[11:38:22 PM] Im not going to fucking say hi [11:38:51 PM] good [11:39:00 PM] -- ShintoX@Azeroth [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, best race Random, peon icon) [11:39:17 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (18 wins). [11:39:25 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> hi [11:39:42 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> in what game [11:39:45 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> whats a hyer? [11:39:57 PM] i want the bot back [11:40:00 PM] so i can ban them [11:40:01 PM] all [11:40:03 PM] hah [11:40:11 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i kinda started on my map raider [11:40:14 PM] bring him [11:40:15 PM] in here [11:40:21 PM] and then boot him [11:40:21 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i got the terrain done for the "europe" map [11:40:25 PM] and again [11:40:28 PM] and again [11:40:29 PM] THEN BANM [11:40:30 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> wanna see? [11:40:31 PM] no [11:40:33 PM] I dont [11:40:39 PM] im dling something [11:40:44 PM] and my lag is off the charts [11:40:49 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> how about when its done [11:40:52 PM] very well [11:40:54 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> then will ya test it with me [11:40:58 PM] yes [11:41:07 PM] you found me at a bad time [11:41:13 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> no [11:41:14 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> np [11:41:16 PM] i could literally [11:41:16 PM] -- ShintoX@Azeroth has left the channel. [11:41:19 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [11:41:20 PM] bring a gun [11:41:22 PM] to her head [11:41:25 PM] and kill her [11:41:29 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> oh well [11:41:29 PM] -- Peligroso [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (18 wins). [11:41:31 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> its just sc [11:41:42 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [11:41:44 PM] no [11:41:47 PM] its HY [11:41:50 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> whats that [11:41:59 PM] where [11:42:01 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> HY [11:42:01 PM] all the probmes [11:42:03 PM] Of elite [11:42:07 PM] come from [11:42:10 PM] Idiots [11:42:13 PM] Noobs [11:42:13 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> the channel? [11:42:14 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> hy? [11:42:15 PM] SHit maps [11:42:18 PM] Everything [11:42:27 PM] yes [11:42:30 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> oh [11:42:33 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yea ive been there [11:42:36 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> they are dumb [11:42:39 PM] they just [11:42:42 PM] allied me [11:42:45 PM] killed everyone [11:42:48 PM] then killed me [11:42:50 PM] 3v1 [11:42:51 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yep [11:42:56 PM] if [11:42:58 PM] i was playing [11:42:59 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> in what map [11:43:00 PM] 1.25 [11:43:04 PM] i would have beaten all 3 [11:43:11 PM] but it was republique [11:43:12 PM] -- ShintoX@Azeroth [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, best race Random, peon icon) [11:43:18 PM] i hit unit caps [11:43:19 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> republique is gay [11:43:20 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yep [11:43:22 PM] and was slaughtered [11:43:26 PM] -- ShintoX@Azeroth has left the channel. [11:43:27 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> you cant take on alot at a time [11:43:27 PM] it was fucking CRAP [11:43:40 PM] 12 lings max [11:43:44 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> in republique you need a 1:1 ratio of nations [11:43:49 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> to have a even war [11:43:53 PM] well [11:43:56 PM] they were all friends [11:44:03 PM] .. [11:44:09 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> thats why i dont like repub [11:44:13 PM] i dont either [11:44:17 PM] but faggot pubbies [11:44:20 PM] dont join anything [11:44:20 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> blood n iron at least lets all the nations have a chance [11:44:27 PM] prussia [11:44:32 PM] in republqiue [11:44:32 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> just it has lag issues [11:44:35 PM] needs a MASSIVE [11:44:37 PM] stroke of luck [11:44:43 PM] or a seriopusly smart player [11:44:44 PM] to win [11:44:51 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> cuz its surrounded [11:44:52 PM] and it never happens [11:44:55 PM] austria too [11:44:59 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and doesnt have the men to cover so many fronts [11:45:04 PM] and its poor [11:45:06 PM] :P [11:45:08 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> thats why repub is gay [11:45:10 PM] yes [11:45:12 PM] everyone [11:45:15 PM] complains [11:45:17 PM] about factories [11:45:20 PM] and massing them [11:45:25 PM] Thats the point! [11:45:32 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> durrrr [11:45:42 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> factories heklp balance the weak with the strong [11:45:50 PM] factories [11:45:57 PM] make nations [11:45:59 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> like russia even with all its open land, can get raped [11:46:01 PM] able to advance [11:46:04 PM] without having to war [11:46:08 PM] constainly [11:46:10 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> cuz of its open land [11:46:15 PM] yes [11:46:18 PM] in repub [11:46:22 PM] you only can get more money [11:46:24 PM] from sea trade [11:46:26 PM] and cities [11:46:32 PM] when you maxed out cities [11:46:35 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yea [11:46:38 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> thats the gayest part [11:46:41 PM] and you cant get more trade [11:46:44 PM] you watch [11:46:46 PM] while others [11:46:47 PM] get big [11:46:50 PM] but your stuck [11:46:54 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> its a gay map [11:46:59 PM] i like 1.25 [11:47:03 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> its just blood n iron but gayed up [11:47:05 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> with lings [11:47:07 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and zlots [11:47:09 PM] hehe [11:47:17 PM] iron [11:47:21 PM] i have a map [11:47:23 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> blood n iron has a nice ww1 style of battle [11:47:25 PM] that works [11:47:28 PM] with 5 triggers [11:47:30 PM] in it [11:47:41 PM] colonization of the new world [11:47:46 PM] no money triggers [11:47:48 PM] no heros [11:47:54 PM] no captures [11:48:03 PM] its "lean and mean" [11:48:08 PM] whatever [11:48:09 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> must not lag [11:48:13 PM] o it doesnt [11:48:18 PM] cept [11:48:24 PM] the colonists [11:48:27 PM] tend to get raped [11:48:32 PM] by european rivals [11:48:37 PM] If [11:48:42 PM] they make it across the ocean [11:48:51 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> see i wanna make my new idea of map have a different battle on every little sub region [11:48:59 PM] you know [11:49:00 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> like completely different terrain styles [11:49:03 PM] maybe you should have [11:49:04 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and options [11:49:07 PM] a [11:49:10 PM] "virigina" [11:49:11 PM] style [11:49:13 PM] like [11:49:19 PM] you dont have "sub regions" [11:49:21 PM] but rather [11:49:25 PM] the entire map [11:49:29 PM] has locations [11:49:33 PM] and they determine [11:49:37 PM] what terrain you fight in [11:49:41 PM] and cities [11:49:46 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yea [11:49:47 PM] are city terrain [11:49:51 PM] no "subregions" [11:49:51 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i know what you mean [11:49:56 PM] yes [11:50:01 PM] -- Napoleon. [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (885 wins). [11:50:02 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> but im gonna do distinct subregions [11:50:05 PM] -- The-Fire [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (5 wins). [11:50:06 PM] k [11:50:06 PM] -- sunshine [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (3 wins). [11:50:08 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> its ezer my way [11:50:09 PM] lol how funny was it [11:50:10 PM] eh [11:50:11 PM] that i took moscow [11:50:16 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> like berlin will be diff from stalingrad [11:50:18 PM] when he owned all of russia [11:50:18 PM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [172ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (3 wins). [11:50:20 PM] hm [11:50:25 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and some regions can be bombed [11:50:28 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> while others cant [11:50:33 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> or something [11:50:36 PM] .. [11:50:38 PM] ok [11:50:39 PM] i thought that was raven [11:50:39 PM] :o [11:50:47 PM] period [11:50:47 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> like different conditions [11:50:47 PM] heh [11:50:52 PM] yes [11:51:08 PM] ... [11:51:09 PM] !DIPLOMACY! [11:51:11 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and like in some maps like stalingrad, russia spawn more marines [11:51:13 PM] -- The-Fire has left the channel. [11:51:15 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> for everyone one they send [11:51:18 PM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> you know? [11:51:25 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [11:51:35 PM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [11:51:38 PM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [11:53:16 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 25 druid on realm USEast). [11:54:24 PM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [12:04:48 AM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [12:05:12 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [12:05:27 AM] You aint the real napoleon bitch [12:05:32 AM] The real napoleon is offline [12:06:43 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [12:09:51 AM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [12:10:15 AM] -- vandaL_blizz@Azeroth [172ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 6, best race Orcs, headhunter icon) [12:10:22 AM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 26 druid on realm USEast). [12:10:41 AM] . [12:10:48 AM] -- vandaL_blizz@Azeroth has left the channel. [12:10:55 AM] raven [12:11:51 AM] -- Napoleon. has left the channel. [12:12:06 AM] thats not raven [12:12:15 AM] it was the same name [12:12:31 AM] he doesnt have [12:12:35 AM] a dot at the end [12:12:42 AM] hmm, missed that [12:12:48 AM] must be getting sleepy [12:13:31 AM] this night sucks [12:14:10 AM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [12:14:15 AM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [12:14:24 AM] Alot [12:14:27 AM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [12:14:32 AM] this whole week has sucked [12:15:00 AM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [12:16:06 AM] -- F.J.Herron [203ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [12:16:14 AM] -- F.J.Herron has left the channel. [12:22:27 AM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [12:27:03 AM] -- Exiled-Elendil [250ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [12:27:34 AM] -- Exiled-Elendil has left the channel. [12:28:10 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [12:28:27 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [12:29:30 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [12:29:34 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [12:30:39 AM] -- Napoleon. [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (885 wins). [12:30:51 AM] -- Napoleon. has left the channel. [12:33:07 AM] -- sunshine [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (3 wins). [12:33:09 AM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [12:33:22 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [12:33:32 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [12:33:43 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [12:34:02 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [12:36:07 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [172ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [12:36:51 AM] -- The-Fire [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (5 wins). [12:36:55 AM] raider i have never seen more fucking whining in my life [12:37:12 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [12:37:13 AM] gg [12:37:16 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yep [12:37:21 AM] and wow [12:37:23 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i always fight to the end [12:37:29 AM] u missed lol the raider btiching [12:37:33 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> oh well [12:37:37 AM] he kept telling brown [12:37:39 AM] to attack me [12:37:45 AM] lol and he couldn't hear him [12:37:45 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> so did you have another name b4 [12:37:46 AM] :) [12:37:49 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> or are you new here [12:37:58 AM] ETF-Fire G-Fire [12:38:02 AM] been here since :-) [12:38:06 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> ive been in this channel like 4 years [12:38:12 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> b4 when it was :-) [12:38:12 AM] i went off for like a year tho [12:38:14 AM] at when point [12:38:17 AM] lol [12:38:25 AM] ^ [12:38:28 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> that was the old channel [12:38:34 AM] lol [12:38:35 AM] look up [12:38:40 AM] below my old names [12:38:43 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> oh [12:38:49 AM] -- Modesto [375ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft II (256 wins, with a rating of 1083 on the ladder). [12:38:51 AM] lolz [12:38:55 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> kinda skip reading and watching tv [12:38:57 AM] lol [12:38:59 AM] hrrm [12:38:59 AM] its cool [12:39:00 AM] fire [12:39:02 AM] who owns the name elite [12:39:03 AM] ? [12:39:05 AM] you pulled the gayest thing [12:39:07 AM] in the book [12:39:08 AM] raider [12:39:10 AM] i give illy for that name! [12:39:13 AM] its a fucking good tactic [12:39:19 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i didnt hear anything [12:39:19 AM] iron [12:39:19 AM] raider [12:39:22 AM] can you hear me now? [12:39:23 AM] and u were a lil bitch and kept bsing me when i tried to let u ally [12:39:24 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yea [12:39:25 AM] u own Elite [12:39:27 AM] fire [12:39:29 AM] i never allie [12:39:30 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> but in the game [12:39:33 AM] yo raider! [12:39:33 AM] thats no bsing [12:39:33 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i heard nothign [12:39:36 AM] u own Elite ? [12:39:36 AM] lol [12:39:41 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> you must have been on priv chat [12:39:41 AM] well same thing i was allied :) [12:39:42 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> or something [12:39:43 AM] what u wunt for it? [12:39:45 AM] i wasnt [12:39:45 AM] omfg w/e [12:39:46 AM] on that [12:39:49 AM] -- Modesto has left the channel. [12:39:53 AM] sunshine couldn't hear u either [12:39:53 AM] however [12:39:57 AM] im never playing [12:39:59 AM] another gold with you [12:40:04 AM] like i care? [12:40:07 AM] i dont need that kind of crap [12:40:07 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> well your gayness didnt penetrate to my screen [12:40:08 AM] all u do is bitch anyways [12:40:12 AM] -- Modesto [375ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft II (256 wins, with a rating of 1083 on the ladder). [12:40:14 AM] he ran [12:40:14 AM] Op bLaH oWnz j00 [12:40:14 AM] Op bLaH oWnz j00 [12:40:14 AM] Op bLaH oWnz j00 [12:40:14 AM] Op bLaH oWnz j00 [12:40:16 AM] -- Modesto has left the channel. [12:40:17 AM] his 6 vultures [12:40:19 AM] behind me [12:40:22 AM] and owned my ups [12:40:27 AM] lol so u move rines up [12:40:27 AM] and my supply [12:40:28 AM] durr [12:40:30 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i just defended in the end [12:40:30 AM] dur [12:40:34 AM] and u lift ur sci fac if u can't save ur acad [12:40:35 AM] you ran away [12:40:36 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> against him and brown [12:40:43 AM] dude [12:40:48 AM] 20 rines owns 6 vults [12:40:53 AM] you [12:40:53 AM] actually prolly 15 does [12:40:54 AM] ran [12:40:55 AM] awya [12:41:02 AM] i ran into ur corner [12:41:02 AM] in the top [12:41:03 AM] yes [12:41:04 AM] to kill ur sci fav [12:41:05 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and if only i knew brown was going for algeria [12:41:07 AM] sci fac lol [12:41:10 AM] god [12:41:13 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> then i would of at least defended it better [12:41:20 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and i would of had the money to beat you [12:41:20 AM] raider next time be ready for it [12:41:24 AM] no [12:41:27 AM] iron i made like triple u lol [12:41:28 AM] there wont be [12:41:30 AM] maybe more [12:41:30 AM] a next time [12:41:31 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> so [12:41:35 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i killed triple you [12:41:38 AM] i mean next time with whoever [12:41:39 AM] iron [12:41:41 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> with a third of your men [12:41:43 AM] if u attacked my base [12:41:46 AM] u woulda lost triple me [12:41:47 AM] lol [12:41:49 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i could of held that line forever [12:41:51 AM] u lose more when attacking [12:42:01 AM] if i had known about bunks [12:42:02 AM] i say [12:42:04 AM] i woulda dropped in south [12:42:05 AM] we play 1.25 [12:42:08 AM] i would host it [12:42:12 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> well tahts why i had goons in south [12:42:13 AM] but u wouldn't play then [12:42:16 AM] good [12:42:19 AM] i will host [12:42:21 AM] lol [12:42:22 AM] Diplo! [12:42:22 AM] have fun [12:42:24 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> nah [12:42:26 AM] good [12:42:28 AM] .. [12:42:28 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i dont want diplo anymore [12:42:31 AM] haha [12:42:32 AM] ugh [12:42:34 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> wars end up always unfair [12:42:38 AM] u dashed raiders plans lol [12:42:46 AM] doesnt matter [12:42:49 AM] im dling somerthing [12:42:50 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> no one has ethics [12:42:55 AM] iron [12:42:55 AM] yay maybe thats why no one could hear u [12:42:59 AM] back in the day [12:43:02 AM] when someone [12:43:03 AM] cuz ur connection sucked due to dl ;) [12:43:06 AM] did something gay [12:43:12 AM] they'd get owned for it [12:43:15 AM] fire [12:43:16 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yea [12:43:17 AM] i have cable [12:43:19 AM] me too [12:43:26 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> but now a days its all gay [12:43:29 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and noob [12:43:31 AM] maybe thats why we had good connectoin and no one else did [12:43:34 AM] yes [12:43:37 AM] maps have to be [12:43:40 AM] and raider [12:43:40 AM] designed [12:43:43 AM] to be anti gay [12:43:44 AM] sunshine kept tellin me to kill u [12:43:50 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> well tahts why i dont like diplo maps [12:43:50 AM] i dont care [12:43:50 AM] just so u know [12:43:54 AM] sunshine [12:43:57 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> they are never balanced right [12:43:58 AM] hasnt been [12:43:59 AM] BSed [12:44:00 AM] by you [12:44:03 AM] in a row [12:44:04 AM] i bs him all the time [12:44:06 AM] .. [12:44:06 AM] lmfao ask him [12:44:09 AM] and he bses me all the time [12:44:09 AM] 5 times in a row? [12:44:12 AM] .. [12:44:13 AM] prolly more [12:44:15 AM] BSing [12:44:16 AM] is GAY [12:44:17 AM] we bs each other over and over [12:44:18 AM] Its Not cool [12:44:19 AM] its fun [12:44:20 AM] .. [12:44:25 AM] see [12:44:25 AM] and i never bsed u a real bs [12:44:27 AM] this is the crap [12:44:32 AM] that makes people [12:44:33 AM] not play [12:44:35 AM] the good maps [12:44:36 AM] real bsing is when u put ur army in ur base and unally u [12:44:38 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> lets play day of days [12:44:41 AM] i only have unallied u and told u about it [12:44:45 AM] and then attacked [12:44:53 AM] you didnt [12:44:57 AM] bs me [12:44:57 AM] my ass [12:44:57 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> that normandy amp [12:44:57 AM] that game [12:45:08 AM] i never have bsed u bsed u [12:45:09 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> wanna play day of days? [12:45:10 AM] and lol [12:45:12 AM] O BULL [12:45:15 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> ive never seen the germans hold otu [12:45:18 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> lets all be germans [12:45:19 AM] i haven't been allied to u more than 2 games [12:45:30 AM] whatever [12:45:34 AM] i dont care [12:45:37 AM] well stop crying its a fucking game [12:45:43 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> lets play day of days [12:45:45 AM] read the above [12:45:45 AM] -- the-assgoblin [63ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GodMyTitsAreFat, a ladder level 76 sorceress on realm USEast). [12:45:47 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> and be ont he same team :) [12:45:49 AM] never played it... whats it like? [12:45:49 AM] .. [12:45:52 AM] iron [12:45:55 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> its normandy [12:45:58 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> invasion [12:45:58 AM] when its all experts [12:46:01 AM] allies win.. [12:46:08 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> lets be germans [12:46:10 AM] where u have like 2 hours to take the map? [12:46:14 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [12:46:16 AM] or is that something else? [12:46:20 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> well mroe like 1hr and 10 mins [12:46:21 AM] naw [12:46:23 AM] take st mere [12:46:26 AM] then caretan [12:46:29 AM] then rush the HQ [12:46:31 AM] and its over [12:46:38 AM] this is a different map i am thinking of [12:46:42 AM] u spawn at beach [12:46:46 AM] .. [12:46:47 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> no [12:46:49 AM] well yes [12:46:49 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> thats panzer kavs [12:46:50 AM] and u have to take th top and shit [12:46:52 AM] no [12:46:53 AM] omfg [12:46:54 AM] no [12:46:54 AM] -- the-assgoblin has left the channel. [12:46:59 AM] that is a hellhole [12:46:59 AM] its like Normandy Evasion: SE or something [12:47:03 AM] invasion* [12:47:03 AM] of arcade style crap [12:47:07 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> lets show him this one [12:47:10 AM] i dunno like i said i never played this [12:47:18 AM] yea [12:47:24 AM] and dont bs us [12:47:28 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> :) [12:47:30 AM] sunshine is coming [12:47:31 AM] because [12:47:34 AM] i will ally the germans [12:47:36 AM] and kill you [12:47:36 AM] lol [12:47:38 AM] :) [12:47:44 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> you make raider [12:47:45 AM] iron [12:47:45 AM] .. [12:47:46 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> youre cable [12:47:47 AM] o fine [12:47:49 AM] i host [12:47:49 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> im 56k.. [12:47:51 AM] then i get drink [12:48:04 AM] Day of Days! [12:48:05 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> so wanna be germs? [12:48:43 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> uh is he making? [12:48:55 AM] i think he is getting a drink [12:48:56 AM] -- the-assgoblin [63ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GodMyTitsAreFat, a ladder level 76 sorceress on realm USEast). [12:48:56 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i think hes looking [12:49:14 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> so fire have you ever played any of my maps? Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [12:49:17 AM] no [12:49:19 AM] doubtful [12:49:20 AM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [12:49:20 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> there [12:49:24 AM] i don't play ww maps [12:49:24 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [12:49:25 AM] very often [12:49:27 AM] -- the-assgoblin has left the channel. [12:49:47 AM] -- The-Fire has left the channel. [12:50:20 AM] -- sunshine [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (3 wins). [12:50:42 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [12:50:44 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [12:51:09 AM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [12:58:01 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [12:58:23 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [1:02:37 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:02:59 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:03:10 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:04:13 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:10:19 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [1:10:57 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:11:15 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:11:19 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:12:45 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [1:12:57 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [1:13:03 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [1:13:36 AM] -- Exiled-Elendil [250ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [1:13:46 AM] -- Exiled-Elendil has left the channel. [1:14:38 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [1:14:51 AM] fuckin newbs [1:14:53 AM] OMG [1:14:58 AM] b net hates me [1:15:10 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [1:15:16 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [1:15:27 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [1:16:22 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [1:16:23 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [1:16:24 AM] brb [1:17:07 AM] yes it does cheese [1:17:09 AM] 100 [1:17:15 AM] er, back. [1:17:17 AM] lol [1:17:33 AM] 7 loses in melee [1:17:47 AM] everyone i was 2nd of 1st in points and my allies were last [1:18:15 AM] last game it was and ISLAND map he had 4 facs 1 sp and was massin tanks [1:18:28 AM] hahahaha [1:18:46 AM] i cant find any diplo maps so i can own noobs [1:19:00 AM] i hate fuckin cheetos too [1:19:02 AM] -- sunshine [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (3 wins). [1:19:08 AM] they just tore up my gums [1:19:16 AM] LoL [1:19:16 AM] my mouth us bleeding [1:19:16 AM] man [1:19:16 AM] i love cheetos [1:19:19 AM] Is [1:19:23 AM] day of days [1:19:23 AM] cottonmouth? [1:19:23 AM] the puffs? [1:19:23 AM] lol [1:19:23 AM] is so fucking [1:19:23 AM] boring [1:19:26 AM] day of days is lame [1:19:29 AM] yes [1:19:32 AM] very lame [1:19:35 AM] its all the fun of lotr [1:19:37 AM] except slow spawns [1:19:39 AM] no clear objectives [1:19:41 AM] and no heroes [1:19:44 AM] i spent like 20 minutes trying to kill 2 bunkers [1:19:45 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [1:19:46 AM] and no upgrading [1:19:48 AM] or strategy [1:19:48 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [1:19:54 AM] day of days is easy [1:20:01 AM] and broing [1:20:02 AM] i can do either axis or allies [1:20:06 AM] ok yea boring [1:20:15 AM] someone make a diplo? [1:20:16 AM] u dont think its boring? [1:20:31 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [1:20:37 AM] its pretty boring [1:20:39 AM] i was getting light headed from it being so boring [1:20:42 AM] so i left [1:20:48 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [1:20:56 AM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [1:21:17 AM] -- DocHolliday909 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [1:22:04 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:22:07 AM] -- DocHolliday909 has left the channel. [1:22:11 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:23:24 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [1:23:28 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:23:29 AM] i didnt host [1:23:36 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [1:29:32 AM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 27 sorceress on realm USEast). [1:30:19 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [1:40:30 AM] -- wod-slayer [32ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (ExFyre, a level 24 sorceress on realm USEast). [1:40:42 AM] -- jack[i-b] [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FistOfThe-ib, a level 38 paladin on realm USEast). [1:40:42 AM] -- wod-slayer has left the channel. [1:40:48 AM] -- jack[i-b] has left the channel. [1:48:19 AM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 29 sorceress on realm USEast). [1:48:27 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [1:51:49 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:55:33 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:56:01 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:56:11 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [1:56:45 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:56:50 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:00:33 AM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 31 sorceress on realm USEast). [2:02:10 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [2:07:22 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:07:47 AM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 32 sorceress on realm USEast). [2:07:59 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [2:08:18 AM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [2:08:27 AM] -- The-Fire [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (5 wins). [2:08:28 AM] Kekekeek [2:08:33 AM] cheap with the petrol lol [2:08:34 AM] :) [2:08:38 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:08:40 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> again [2:08:42 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i kill the most [2:08:42 AM] someoje [2:08:43 AM] did it [2:08:43 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> with the least [2:08:44 AM] to me [2:08:47 AM] so i remembered [2:08:50 AM] i was bullshit [2:08:54 AM] well raider [2:08:58 AM] i could saved st mere [2:08:58 AM] and there wasnta a bridge [2:09:00 AM] in tgar [2:09:02 AM] if not for those fucking things [2:09:02 AM] that one [2:09:06 AM] fire [2:09:10 AM] we were going to let them [2:09:11 AM] have it [2:09:14 AM] i didn't want to [2:09:15 AM] lol [2:09:15 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> yea [2:09:17 AM] .. [2:09:19 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> i left it anyway [2:09:21 AM] yuea [2:09:23 AM] gg [2:09:24 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> did see my camp the south :) [2:09:25 AM] i g2g sleep [2:09:26 AM] i had panzers and jeeps [2:09:27 AM] coming [2:09:27 AM] for WORK [2:09:28 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> cya [2:09:28 AM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [2:09:30 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> gg [2:09:30 AM] lata [2:09:32 AM] <[WW]-IRONWALL-> gg [2:09:36 AM] 3 am hah [2:09:44 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:10:11 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:10:45 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:10:57 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:11:09 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:15:22 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:15:45 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:15:57 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:17:45 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:17:55 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:18:01 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:18:20 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:19:49 AM] -- baalzbub [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 33 sorceress on realm USEast). [2:20:04 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [2:20:43 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:20:59 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:26:12 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:26:24 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:26:36 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [2:27:07 AM] -- CheeseheaD_04 has left the channel. [2:32:49 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:32:58 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:33:16 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:33:31 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:33:38 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:34:47 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:34:49 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:35:09 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:35:45 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:36:26 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:36:27 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (61 wins). [2:36:31 AM] -- [WW]-IRONWALL- has left the channel. [2:39:41 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:39:44 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:46:43 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:46:55 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [2:49:58 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:51:10 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [2:51:20 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:53:45 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [2:55:28 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:55:43 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [2:56:06 AM] -- baalzbub [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 34 sorceress on realm USEast). [2:57:28 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [3:02:00 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:02:04 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [3:02:19 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:02:25 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [3:03:53 AM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:04:11 AM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [3:13:49 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [3:14:33 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [3:14:39 AM] -- psychokink [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [3:14:51 AM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [3:26:55 AM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FieryInfernum, a ladder level 36 sorceress on realm USEast). [3:27:32 AM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [3:41:26 AM] [BNET] 10053 -- Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure [3:41:26 AM] [BNET] Disconnected. [3:41:28 AM] [BNET] If Error 10052-10054 repeats, you could be IPbanned from the Battle.net server you are connecting to. Try again later, or change servers. [3:41:29 AM] [BNET] Attempting to reconnect... [3:41:54 AM] All connections closed. [3:34:24 PM] .: Welcome to StealthBot v2.4 Revision 3 by Stealth. [3:34:24 PM] :. If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [3:37:25 PM] [BNLS] Connecting... [3:37:25 PM] [BNLS] Connected! [3:37:25 PM] [BNLS] Authorized! [3:37:25 PM] [BNET] Connecting... [3:37:25 PM] [BNET] Connected! [3:37:26 PM] [BNET] Checking version... [3:37:27 PM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [3:37:27 PM] [BNET] Sending login information... [3:37:27 PM] [BNET] Login successful. [3:37:27 PM] [BNET] Logged on as ImThAmAn. [3:37:27 PM] User monitor initialized. [3:37:27 PM] -- Joined channel: op elite -- [3:37:28 PM] Account Created: 2/23/2003, 02:56:45 (Battle.net time) [3:37:28 PM] Last Logon: 7/29/2004, 20:31:17 (Battle.net time) [3:37:28 PM] Last Logoff: 7/29/2004, 08:35:27 (Battle.net time) [3:37:28 PM] Time Logged: 71 days, 19 hours, 14 minutes and 21 seconds [3:41:50 PM] -- Lowenbrau [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (6 wins). [3:41:52 PM] -- Lowenbrau has left the channel. [3:41:59 PM] -- 1stBlood [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [3:42:03 PM] -- 1stBlood has left the channel. [3:44:56 PM] -- CneR-NeT [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (8 wins). [3:45:12 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [3:45:14 PM] Hrm [3:45:21 PM] Celph [3:45:23 PM] Talk plz [3:45:29 PM] And say mav in teh sentence [3:46:12 PM] Plz? [3:46:18 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 39 druid on realm USEast). [3:46:24 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [3:46:49 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [3:46:55 PM] -- CneR-NeT has left the channel. [3:47:00 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [3:47:13 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (18 wins). [3:47:19 PM] THUG [3:47:23 PM] OMFG ITS TEH THUG [3:47:29 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (50 wins, with a rating of 921 on the ladder). [3:47:33 PM] OMFG HI HI HI HI [3:47:34 PM] and low is a fag [3:47:37 PM] ^-^ [3:47:38 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> whats with your f list [3:47:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WHY AM I NOT ON IT! [3:47:43 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and your a homo [3:47:46 PM] mav [3:47:49 PM] im tradign [3:47:49 PM] Yessa [3:47:52 PM] my eth botd zerker [3:47:53 PM] ^^ [3:47:57 PM] For? [3:48:01 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> PUT ME ON YOUR F-LIST YOU FAG! [3:48:05 PM] dont know [3:48:06 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> !!!!!!!!!!!!! [3:48:08 PM] 9 290s or so [3:48:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT. kills peligroso> [3:48:14 PM] YOU ARE ON MY F LIST HOMO AND NO DONT DO IT THUG [3:48:15 PM] oh ur tlaking to me? [3:48:17 PM] lol [3:48:17 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yes [3:48:22 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NOT YOU [3:48:22 PM] i thought u were talking to mav [3:48:24 PM] -- CneR-NeT [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (8 wins). [3:48:28 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> no [3:48:30 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> if i were talking to mav [3:48:34 PM] leme check [3:48:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> it would be an endless quote of stewie [3:48:42 PM] -- CneR-NeT has left the channel. [3:48:43 PM] StFu you jew [3:48:50 PM] BtW stewwie pwnz [3:48:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> "I'm going to find something to strike you with, excuse me" [3:49:04 PM] k [3:49:05 PM] added [3:49:08 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> nope [3:49:12 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> nope im not [3:49:14 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> you forgot the . [3:49:16 PM] What you guys playing [3:49:18 PM] no [3:49:19 PM] -- CneR-NeT [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (8 wins). [3:49:20 PM] i added [3:49:22 PM] the [3:49:22 PM] . [3:49:27 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ~ [ L o W ] ~ S g T . [3:49:35 PM] -- CneR-NeT has left the channel. [3:49:48 PM] oop [3:49:51 PM] swrong bracket [3:50:03 PM] n00blz [3:50:16 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> n00ber [3:50:22 PM] k now? [3:50:26 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yup [3:50:28 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> tty [3:50:31 PM] yay [3:50:36 PM] mav [3:50:37 PM] come [3:50:38 PM] on [3:50:39 PM] sc [3:50:40 PM] WAIT [3:50:42 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yes mav [3:50:43 PM] Im dling AIM [3:50:48 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> kick your 56gay onto BW [3:50:52 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ROFL [3:50:54 PM] ... [3:50:55 PM] ... [3:51:04 PM] .... [3:51:08 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ... [3:51:11 PM] .... [3:51:17 PM] .................................. [3:51:18 PM] I hate you both....<3 Thug [3:51:27 PM] lol [3:51:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> a ufo crashed near a dogtrack [3:51:30 PM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [3:51:33 PM] wtf [3:51:39 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> well that's what im thinking [3:51:42 PM] y [3:51:46 PM] Heh i almost got Celph to talk yesterday i think ^-^ [3:51:47 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> because it was on the radio [3:51:49 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and it was real [3:51:53 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> during the 4th of july [3:51:56 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> there was a big flash and boom [3:51:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> but it wasnt a firework [3:51:59 PM] shuddap mav [3:52:00 PM] i've gotten celph to talk [3:52:08 PM] >.< [3:52:09 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [3:52:09 PM] Hrm who is baalz [3:52:11 PM] he said [3:52:15 PM] "shit...brb" [3:52:17 PM] dunno [3:52:18 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and people started getting radiation sickness symptoms [3:52:19 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [3:52:20 PM] CELPH SAY A SENTENCE WITH MAV IN IT PLZ [3:52:20 PM] he knwos u [3:52:23 PM] lol [3:52:27 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> someone said there is video [3:52:28 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> CELPH [3:52:28 PM] yes mavvyy pooj [3:52:31 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 40 druid on realm USEast). [3:52:32 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> CELPH [3:52:34 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ARE YOU A BOT? [3:52:35 PM] celph [3:52:36 PM] lets game [3:52:42 PM] we can paly [3:52:43 PM] nap [3:52:44 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i think celph is Skywing's Archangel [3:52:46 PM] lol [3:52:48 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> he's here to keep us in line [3:52:48 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [3:52:51 PM] NIVENS GB FUCKING SUX [3:52:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> HAIL CELPH [3:52:57 PM] he's here cause he's malice's buddy [3:53:00 PM] And who are you baal [3:53:02 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [3:53:03 PM] your mother mav [3:53:04 PM] O_o [3:53:07 PM] gb??? [3:53:07 PM] ROFL [3:53:08 PM] ^-^ [3:53:09 PM] UR MOTHER [3:53:12 PM] U GOT TOLD MAV [3:53:14 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [3:53:18 PM] dissssssseeeeeeedddd [3:53:20 PM] Yes i got pwnt [3:53:26 PM] i know [3:53:28 PM] mav [3:53:31 PM] im stating that [3:53:31 PM] what level is your nec? [3:53:32 PM] Yessa [3:53:34 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [3:53:35 PM] niven what is your gb? [3:53:38 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [3:53:40 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> LETS BEGIN OUR FEAST OF SKYWING [3:53:41 PM] ooooh [3:53:42 PM] MAV [3:53:44 PM] RUSH ME [3:53:44 PM] my nap warz britain [3:53:45 PM] ? [3:53:47 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> FOR HE SHALL PUNISH US [3:53:48 PM] haha [3:53:49 PM] Mabeh thug [3:53:51 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WE MUST SACRIFICE [3:53:52 PM] mav suxxors [3:53:53 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> SOMEONE [3:53:54 PM] at nap [3:53:55 PM] plz [3:53:58 PM] O COME ON [3:53:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WE WILL SACRIFICE THUG! [3:54:02 PM] i gave u so much shot [3:54:03 PM] he likes to mass [3:54:03 PM] NOOO [3:54:05 PM] barracks [3:54:06 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> GET THE SACRIFICAL KNIFE! [3:54:08 PM] and fly them [3:54:20 PM] so i could own them all ? [3:54:23 PM] So um yea wtf low [3:54:24 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT. sacrifices Thug to the Republicans and Democrats> [3:54:28 PM] lol [3:54:30 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [3:54:31 PM] haha [3:54:35 PM] umm [3:54:38 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and then he said [3:54:38 PM] WE DON'T WANT HIM! [3:54:44 PM] !!!! [3:54:49 PM] [3:54:49 PM] you can only sacrifice him to one [3:54:52 PM] of them [3:54:52 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Thou shalt not disobey skywing! [3:54:53 PM] awwwwwwwwwwwwww [3:54:57 PM] i feel so unwanted [3:54:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> IT IS SKYWINGS WILL! [3:55:00 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> SO BE IT! [3:55:00 PM] ...... [3:55:04 PM] -- AcE[WS] [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1170 wins). [3:55:05 PM] ... [3:55:07 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ...... [3:55:07 PM] skywing is like [3:55:09 PM] ... [3:55:09 PM] long gone? [3:55:11 PM] yup [3:55:12 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> nope [3:55:13 PM] dora the explorer?? [3:55:14 PM] it is [3:55:17 PM] HELL NO [3:55:19 PM] so uh mav wtf [3:55:28 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> mav [3:55:29 PM] rush meh [3:55:30 PM] ? [3:55:31 PM] mav=dora the explorer [3:55:32 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> get on bw before i kick your ass [3:55:35 PM] mav's character [3:55:37 PM] is newblar [3:55:38 PM] same here [3:55:38 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> fuck this [3:55:38 PM] he can't rush [3:55:39 PM] O_o [3:55:40 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> COD [3:55:40 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> COD [3:55:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> COD [3:55:41 PM] FUCK U ALL [3:55:41 PM] meh [3:55:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> COD [3:55:42 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> COD [3:55:42 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [3:55:43 PM] who the fuck is baalz [3:55:45 PM] lol [3:55:46 PM] rofl [3:55:50 PM] I DONT KNWO [3:55:55 PM] muwhahahahhaah [3:55:57 PM] he obviously knows u [3:56:02 PM] and thug [3:56:04 PM] Im thinking sever [3:56:04 PM] thuggy [3:56:07 PM] omg [3:56:07 PM] haha [3:56:08 PM] wtf [3:56:11 PM] who is this!! [3:56:11 PM] no [3:56:13 PM] baalz is cool O_o [3:56:16 PM] no not josh [3:56:16 PM] i am god [3:56:17 PM] plz [3:56:21 PM] is it [3:56:21 PM] Is it smartass sever [3:56:22 PM] shroom [3:56:22 PM] ^^ [3:56:23 PM] ? [3:56:25 PM] yesh [3:56:25 PM] the little goth rocker [3:56:28 PM] I KNEW IT [3:56:29 PM] you got meh [3:56:29 PM] I KNEW IT [3:56:32 PM] shroom [3:56:35 PM] ill brb [3:56:35 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [3:56:39 PM] is it for real? [3:56:45 PM] niven, u know? [3:56:50 PM] dunno [3:56:55 PM] O [3:56:59 PM] -- demonsparda [219ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Serenitysminion, a ladder level 81 necromancer on realm USEast). [3:57:01 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [3:57:01 PM] muwhahahahha [3:57:02 PM] it was u!! [3:57:13 PM] OMFG IT WAS A GOTH ROCKER BUT NOT SEVER [3:57:15 PM] i knew [3:57:16 PM] he was ruben [3:57:19 PM] dman u [3:57:20 PM] but not that ruben = schroom [3:57:21 PM] O_o [3:57:23 PM] LOL [3:57:30 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [3:57:34 PM] no [3:57:38 PM] mav likes to make fun of goths [3:57:42 PM] Nah [3:57:45 PM] Just those 2 [3:57:49 PM] well [3:57:50 PM] member me bitches [3:57:51 PM] mav makes fun of anything he admires [3:57:54 PM] mainly sever cause he hates it [3:57:54 PM] -- AcE[WS] has left the channel. [3:57:54 PM] like my gb O_o [3:57:54 PM] yah cause he is insecure about his length [3:57:56 PM] lol [3:58:00 PM] of his johnson [3:58:06 PM] I have nothing against deamon just sever [3:58:10 PM] ^^ [3:58:14 PM] lol [3:58:15 PM] y? [3:58:21 PM] mavy loves meh [3:58:21 PM] its fun to piss of josh [3:58:24 PM] HAha [3:58:25 PM] Cause sever is a bitch [3:58:28 PM] im not a goth either [3:58:37 PM] <3 Deamon [3:58:37 PM] i just like fucking wit ya [3:58:43 PM] goths arnt bad though [3:59:04 PM] hm [3:59:07 PM] lets all [3:59:08 PM] play [3:59:09 PM] BW? [3:59:13 PM] ... [3:59:13 PM] come on now! [3:59:14 PM] you guys [3:59:14 PM] Hold on [3:59:17 PM] have fun [3:59:20 PM] 4 more minutes [3:59:20 PM] ... [3:59:30 PM] mav [3:59:34 PM] sparda [3:59:36 PM] yessa niven [3:59:38 PM] are u hc [3:59:40 PM] ladder? [3:59:40 PM] has timed his sexual release to 4 minutes [3:59:42 PM] O_o [3:59:42 PM] no [3:59:43 PM] oh [3:59:46 PM] just ladder [3:59:51 PM] lol [3:59:52 PM] kk [3:59:55 PM] HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW NIVEN [4:00:02 PM] OMFG GET OUT OF MY HEAD [4:00:03 PM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:00:06 PM] im gonna go play a noobish gmae now [4:00:06 PM] lol [4:00:08 PM] <4 wewe [4:00:09 PM] what else would you be doing for 4 minutes? [4:00:10 PM] ^^ [4:00:13 PM] your gf told him [4:00:14 PM] plz [4:00:15 PM] <3+1 [4:00:17 PM] lol [4:00:36 PM] weeeeeeee [4:00:40 PM] -- CneR-NeT [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (8 wins). [4:00:44 PM] holy shit [4:00:44 PM] mav [4:00:47 PM] hurry the fuck up [4:00:54 PM] dont hit yourself in the eye mavy [4:00:55 PM] 1 and a half minute [4:00:55 PM] he can't do it faster than 4 minutes [4:00:56 PM] ^^ [4:00:58 PM] lol [4:00:58 PM] -- CneR-NeT has left the channel. [4:01:00 PM] lol [4:01:12 PM] Oh [4:01:13 PM] yes [4:01:16 PM] hey um [4:01:16 PM] OH YES OMFG YES [4:01:17 PM] depending on his reading material [4:01:19 PM] wtf happaned to aim [4:01:23 PM] he doesnt play ne more [4:01:31 PM] i see him on sometimes [4:01:37 PM] brb [4:01:37 PM] Teh KiWi [4:01:39 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:01:41 PM] i havent [4:01:44 PM] in like 3 weeks [4:01:49 PM] yes [4:01:53 PM] maby he hates you? [4:01:54 PM] im going to go play diplo africa [4:01:56 PM] woot [4:01:57 PM] WIAT [4:01:58 PM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:02:01 PM] nooo [4:02:01 PM] ... [4:02:06 PM] diplo africa is for ultra newbs [4:02:06 PM] 30 seconds [4:02:13 PM] is betetr than gold! [4:02:13 PM] ITS COMING [4:02:14 PM] ULTRA NNEWBS [4:02:16 PM] he's almost there [4:02:18 PM] ^^ [4:02:21 PM] 1.25 > all [4:02:21 PM] BooM********* [4:02:26 PM] k [4:02:27 PM] lets paly [4:02:28 PM] 1.25 [4:02:31 PM] Ok [4:02:31 PM] O_o [4:02:32 PM] Ill make. [4:02:33 PM] wait for mav [4:02:34 PM] MAVSTAR [4:02:36 PM] hurryz0rz [4:02:36 PM] ***************************************SPLAT************************************************************************************ [4:02:38 PM] LOl [4:02:40 PM] Shit [4:02:41 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (50 wins, with a rating of 921 on the ladder). [4:02:42 PM] haha [4:02:44 PM] lol [4:02:44 PM] eeewwww... [4:02:44 PM] low [4:02:45 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [4:02:46 PM] i gotta clean my screan [4:02:48 PM] all over the monitor [4:02:49 PM] eeww [4:02:50 PM] lol [4:02:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> what did i miss [4:02:54 PM] =/ [4:02:58 PM] hahahah [4:02:59 PM] gay sex [4:03:00 PM] Mav just spooged on his screen. [4:03:01 PM] mav [4:03:01 PM] I think. [4:03:01 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> did Maverick finally figure out how to jizz? [4:03:02 PM] ...... [4:03:03 PM] just busted [4:03:05 PM] mav pleasuring himself [4:03:06 PM] with his hand [4:03:06 PM] all over [4:03:07 PM] in 4 minutes [4:03:08 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> wow [4:03:08 PM] his comp [4:03:08 PM] O_o [4:03:11 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> he actually figured it out [4:03:13 PM] O_o [4:03:16 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> all this time i thought he was a woman [4:03:18 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> O-o [4:03:23 PM] k [4:03:24 PM] come mav [4:03:28 PM] hurry up and clean [4:03:30 PM] ! [4:03:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> you know [4:03:37 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> im glad i decided not to eat [4:03:48 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> for some reason [4:03:50 PM] SHHH [4:03:52 PM] .. [4:04:01 PM] You have a cock in your ass l0w [4:04:01 PM] h button stuck? [4:04:04 PM] Its a lot it may take a seconds [4:04:05 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> wow [4:04:14 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Genocide that so cleVAR [4:04:18 PM] LoL!1 [4:04:20 PM] I kn0w!1 [4:04:23 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> w00t [4:04:26 PM] DeadAIM installing now [4:04:27 PM] I r t3h clevar3st [4:04:30 PM] LoL!! [4:04:31 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> we have a genius here! [4:04:31 PM] Dead aim [4:04:32 PM] =/ [4:04:34 PM] I dont like it. [4:04:34 PM] ... [4:04:38 PM] Cuz when I minimize sc [4:04:41 PM] Dead aim is all laggy [4:04:46 PM] And im like F that [4:04:49 PM] Thats your shittteh comp [4:04:50 PM] -- Lost_SCV@Azeroth [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, best race Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan DDS) [4:04:53 PM] MALICE [4:04:53 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [4:04:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i bet i can download dead aim faster than Maverick did [4:04:54 PM] n0000 [4:05:02 PM] OMFG ItS TEH MALICE [4:05:03 PM] Smart ass lwo [4:05:05 PM] Sup [4:05:06 PM] O_O!11 [4:05:11 PM] DeadAIm [4:05:11 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> muwhaha [4:05:12 PM] O_o [4:05:12 PM] hahaha [4:05:13 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> it took me [4:05:19 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> an hour to download [4:05:20 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> a gig [4:05:23 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and it took mav [4:05:25 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> 3 weeks [4:05:27 PM] lol [4:05:27 PM] lol [4:05:29 PM] An hour to dl a gig. [4:05:30 PM] Jesus. [4:05:34 PM] Dead aim took me 20 seconds to dl its the amin software that took 10 minutes [4:05:40 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> pretty damn good for cable [4:05:40 PM] LoW [4:05:42 PM] Whats your speeD? [4:05:45 PM] MaX at? [4:05:48 PM] KbS [4:05:50 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> max? [4:05:50 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 40 druid on realm USEast). [4:05:53 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> max is like [4:05:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> 750 [4:05:56 PM] The bIggest you evar seeN? [4:06:03 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> biggest i've ever seen? [4:06:04 PM] WuTs teh biggesT? [4:06:05 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> 2mb [4:06:07 PM] You EVar SeeN? [4:06:09 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> YES [4:06:13 PM] 2mb? [4:06:13 PM] k [4:06:14 PM] ask him again ruin [4:06:15 PM] thats like.. [4:06:16 PM] ^^ [4:06:18 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> 2 mbps [4:06:18 PM] LoL [4:06:18 PM] are u fuckin done [4:06:21 PM] !! [4:06:24 PM] ^_^ [4:06:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yet for some reason [4:06:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> I CANT FUCKING HOST A GAME ON BW [4:06:35 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> AND I DROP [4:06:37 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WTF [4:06:40 PM] cause [4:06:42 PM] blame teh r0uter [4:06:42 PM] noone likes you [4:06:43 PM] O_o [4:06:44 PM] LoL! [4:06:45 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> meh [4:06:48 PM] OmFG pwNT Niven [4:06:48 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> my cable is too fast [4:06:50 PM] Not true. [4:06:50 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [4:06:52 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> bnet cant catch up with it [4:06:52 PM] [4:06:55 PM] Niven, someone likes him. [4:06:59 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Yes [4:07:00 PM] Yeah? [4:07:00 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> My hand [4:07:00 PM] WIGGLEZ LOLZ11 [4:07:01 PM] Just no one on B.net. [4:07:02 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ... [4:07:06 PM] pwned [4:07:06 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> HAR [4:07:06 PM] ^^ [4:07:09 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Genocide = ? [4:07:12 PM] Ruin [4:07:13 PM] ruin [4:07:14 PM] aka [4:07:15 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> manwe? [4:07:15 PM] manwe [4:07:16 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> MANWE [4:07:18 PM] ^_^ [4:07:21 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i think one of your brothers im'ed me [4:07:22 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> wtf [4:07:29 PM] My BroTHARS? [4:07:31 PM] O_O [4:07:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yeah i think [4:07:33 PM] I only have a sis. [4:07:35 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> o [4:07:38 PM] N shes 12 and dont use AiM [4:07:38 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> wait were u thermite? [4:07:43 PM] YesssUm [4:07:44 PM] o_O [4:07:45 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> hmm [4:07:47 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> because [4:07:52 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> they sent me a screenie of their desktop [4:07:53 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and it said [4:07:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> THERMITE'S STUFF [4:08:02 PM] o_O [4:08:03 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> on one of the folders [4:08:05 PM] hmm not me. [4:08:05 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i was like [4:08:06 PM] Hrm [4:08:07 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> "wtf" [4:08:13 PM] The vent server is down... [4:08:14 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ...maverick ate all of his brothers [4:08:19 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> so it cant be him [4:08:21 PM] i bet raven is pissed, mav [4:08:22 PM] ^^ [4:08:25 PM] Yep [4:08:32 PM] Most lilkly is [4:08:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i know who isnt pissed [4:08:36 PM] Ill listen to LIKnkiN paRK if I Want To MoMMy!!1 [4:08:37 PM] ok [4:08:39 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> <---- [4:08:40 PM] mav [4:08:41 PM] come on [4:08:44 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NO [4:08:50 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> I NEED TO FIND THIS FUCKING SNOG [4:08:52 PM] AnywH0 [4:08:54 PM] mav you've been cleaning that shit [4:08:55 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> I CLICKED A DOZEN OF IT ON KAZAA [4:08:55 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [4:08:56 PM] for 5 minutes now [4:08:57 PM] =P [4:08:57 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> AND NONE AR EDOWNLOADING [4:08:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WTF [4:08:59 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> A [4:09:00 PM] lol [4:09:00 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> THAETHEOTHAOTH [4:09:02 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> COCK SHITTING KAZAA [4:09:03 PM] kazaa sux d00d [4:09:05 PM] =/ [4:09:07 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> so? [4:09:10 PM] CELPH [4:09:10 PM] Ares or BearShare [4:09:13 PM] O_O [4:09:14 PM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:09:15 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> O-o [4:09:18 PM] SAY A SENTENCE WITH MAV IN IT [4:09:21 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i just want the fucking papa roach SONG [4:09:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER! [4:09:40 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i need a theme song tonight when i dump the body [4:09:47 PM] o_O [4:09:48 PM] =/ [4:09:49 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [4:09:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ^_ [4:09:54 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [4:09:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OMGOMGOMGOMG [4:09:55 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ONE IS DOWNLOADING! [4:10:00 PM] newb [4:10:01 PM] O_o [4:10:03 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ... [4:10:04 PM] I need a theme song for tonight [4:10:04 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [4:10:06 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Niven is a Kevan [4:10:08 PM] So im dling sumblime [4:10:08 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> YES [4:10:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> YOU ARE A KEVAN [4:10:11 PM] sup fire [4:10:12 PM] ... [4:10:14 PM] -- Lost_SCV@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:10:15 PM] SMOKE TWO JOINTZ [4:10:18 PM] good thing I don't know what kevan is [4:10:19 PM] before I smoke Two JoiNTs [4:10:23 PM] Then I smoke TwO morE' [4:10:24 PM] ......... [4:10:26 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Kevan is a name [4:10:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> you lewzar [4:10:30 PM] haha [4:10:38 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [4:10:44 PM] not one i know of O_o [4:10:45 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [4:10:51 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i remember one day [4:10:52 PM] yah ive heard it its the nigger version of kevin [4:10:52 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [4:10:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i felt a moment of power [4:10:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> but then i realized [4:11:02 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> that wasny my hand there [4:11:05 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> O_o [4:11:07 PM] .... [4:11:10 PM] EricNiven [4:11:12 PM] Whats your naem? [4:11:13 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> *wasnt [4:11:16 PM] Name? [4:11:18 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ,,, [4:11:20 PM] why would I give you [4:11:21 PM] my name? [4:11:22 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Maybe its [4:11:23 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ERIC [4:11:24 PM] hes bruce wayne [4:11:24 PM] Dunno [4:11:25 PM] ?? [4:11:26 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> :o [4:11:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yes [4:11:30 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> lol [4:11:31 PM] I <3 you. [4:11:31 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> BATMAN [4:11:34 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (74 wins). [4:11:35 PM] So give me your name ^_^ [4:11:36 PM] k [4:11:37 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> He's the old batman [4:11:39 PM] <3 [4:11:39 PM] manwe [4:11:40 PM] i think not [4:11:40 PM] make [4:11:41 PM] O_o [4:11:42 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> the one with the tights [4:11:45 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> omfg [4:11:46 PM] AiGhT [4:11:47 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> HE'S ADAM WEST [4:11:52 PM] heh [4:11:53 PM] lol [4:11:53 PM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [4:11:56 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WAIT [4:11:58 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WAIT [4:11:59 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WAIT [4:12:01 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> till my song is done [4:12:02 PM] GO [4:12:03 PM] GO [4:12:04 PM] GO [4:12:04 PM] LOWS A FAG [4:12:06 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NO NO [4:12:07 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NO [4:12:09 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NO [4:12:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NO [4:12:11 PM] MaVy [4:12:14 PM] gogogogogogogo [4:12:14 PM] yessa [4:12:16 PM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:12:18 PM] O_O [4:12:19 PM] let me make [4:12:19 PM] Lagz0rz? [4:12:20 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> DONT YOU WANT MY 2MBPS POWER?!?! [4:12:24 PM] DIPLOMACY!! [4:12:24 PM] NO [4:12:27 PM] Hate you low [4:12:28 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [4:12:30 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> w00t [4:12:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i own mav [4:12:38 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [4:13:07 PM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [4:13:12 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [4:13:50 PM] dirf [4:14:01 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> omfg [4:14:02 PM] -- EricNiven [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [4:14:03 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> wtf [4:14:07 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (18 wins). [4:14:07 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i downloaded a 6mb file [4:14:11 PM] wtf [4:14:11 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> of nothing but beeps and cracks [4:14:12 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (74 wins). [4:14:13 PM] fags [4:14:15 PM] HOLD on [4:14:16 PM] hahah [4:14:24 PM] oooo [4:14:25 PM] thats gotta suxxor [4:14:26 PM] lookie [4:14:26 PM] low i'd say you just got pwned [4:14:27 PM] nvien on [4:14:30 PM] 1 more person! [4:14:31 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ? [4:14:32 PM] ~~DIPLOMACY~~ [4:14:34 PM] ~~DIPLOMACY~~ [4:14:34 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> o [4:14:35 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> yes [4:14:38 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> FUCKING KAZAA [4:14:38 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [4:14:39 PM] joiin [4:14:44 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [4:14:44 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [4:14:50 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> lol [4:14:53 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> its nothing but [4:14:57 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> 12 minutes of cracks and beeps [4:14:59 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> rofl [4:15:45 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [4:15:50 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [4:16:03 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [4:16:51 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [4:18:13 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [4:18:28 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [4:18:33 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [4:19:01 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [4:23:23 PM] -- sunshine [125ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch HippyLover, a ladder level 90 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:24:04 PM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [4:24:14 PM] -- HessianMerc [15ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (15 wins). [4:27:10 PM] -- HessianMerc has left the channel. [4:29:40 PM] -- beeboop [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Smokeh, a ladder level 35 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:29:48 PM] -- SDxMephPindle [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch SDxMephPindle, a ladder level 73 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:29:51 PM] lalal [4:29:53 PM] it needs 10 levels [4:29:57 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> HDETO [4:29:58 PM] got a shako? [4:30:02 PM] mo [4:30:03 PM] no [4:30:04 PM] why [4:30:09 PM] i dunno [4:30:10 PM] well yes but in use [4:30:13 PM] got a occy? [4:30:19 PM] no [4:30:24 PM] =/ [4:30:34 PM] -- HessianMerc [15ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (15 wins). [4:30:43 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i got a dime [4:30:44 PM] shako and skullders for my ias jewel and me level that char [4:30:46 PM] -- HessianMerc has left the channel. [4:30:47 PM] lol [4:30:49 PM] lol [4:31:00 PM] that doom wasnt just for the rush... so dont expect to much :o [4:31:07 PM] lol [4:31:09 PM] how many dooms [4:31:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> hmm [4:31:10 PM] did oyu have [4:31:13 PM] like 4? [4:31:15 PM] only 1 noe [4:31:15 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i should really level my chars [4:31:18 PM] now [4:31:18 PM] :o [4:31:20 PM] but you have one [4:31:22 PM] on a merc [4:31:22 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i have lvl 14 and lvl 12 chars :( [4:31:25 PM] and gave one to steve [4:31:26 PM] .. [4:31:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i used to have a lvl 77 necro [4:31:29 PM] thats the one im tlaking about [4:31:30 PM] and one to me [4:31:31 PM] lol [4:31:32 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> but i forgot to play [4:31:34 PM] 3 [4:31:35 PM] i only have 1 on a merc [4:31:37 PM] oh [4:31:39 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:31:40 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i still have the little char thingy there, but its expired [4:31:53 PM] omg [4:31:57 PM] sparda is on sc! [4:31:59 PM] lol [4:32:02 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> hmm [4:32:04 PM] beeboop???? [4:32:09 PM] -- HessianMerc [15ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (15 wins). [4:32:09 PM] bEE BOOP [4:32:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> I WANT MY EXPIRED CHAR REACTIVATED [4:32:11 PM] samuel [4:32:18 PM] ? [4:32:20 PM] gobby [4:32:22 PM] o [4:32:30 PM] sam = gobby [4:32:31 PM] -- HessianMerc has left the channel. [4:32:33 PM] a assgobby [4:32:34 PM] yah [4:32:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> hmm [4:32:42 PM] assy you dont have any [4:32:43 PM] he eats ass [4:32:46 PM] -- CneR-NeT [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (8 wins). [4:32:48 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> does anyone know if i can get an expired char reactivated? [4:32:53 PM] nop [4:32:53 PM] skulders? [4:32:55 PM] do you? [4:32:59 PM] he has one i use [4:33:01 PM] i know of [4:33:07 PM] ahhh.... [4:33:12 PM] on hippylover [4:33:16 PM] see [4:33:25 PM] sam [4:33:28 PM] ? [4:33:29 PM] tell me pass to beeboop [4:33:30 PM] on aim [4:33:35 PM] ok [4:33:40 PM] -- CneR-NeT has left the channel. [4:33:57 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:34:53 PM] wow [4:34:53 PM] steve [4:34:55 PM] is pissing me off [4:34:58 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:34:58 PM] so fucking bad [4:35:05 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:35:06 PM] he keeps on talking about halo 2 [4:35:08 PM] and the 24th [4:35:13 PM] and things that are happening [4:35:16 PM] on august 24th [4:35:22 PM] lol [4:35:46 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OMFG [4:35:52 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> FUCKING VIRGIN MP3 PLAYER [4:35:58 PM] jew boy [4:35:59 PM] is rich [4:36:03 PM] arent all jews rich adam [4:36:04 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> the fucking file manager for it only starts up when it wants to [4:36:06 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> dude im not rich [4:36:15 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> my parents got that for me for christmas [4:36:23 PM] -- beeboop has left the channel. [4:36:40 PM] haha [4:36:42 PM] STEVE BLOCKED [4:37:09 PM] -- SDxMephPindle has left the channel. [4:41:46 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [4:42:57 PM] -- beeboop [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Smokeh, a ladder level 35 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:44:20 PM] -- EricNiven [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [4:46:11 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:46:36 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:47:28 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:47:31 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:47:45 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (50 wins, with a rating of 921 on the ladder). [4:47:57 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:48:01 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:48:16 PM] -- beeboop has left the channel. [4:48:18 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:48:28 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:48:31 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> I got the song [4:48:35 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> BITCHES! [4:48:39 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Niven i love Limewire [4:49:19 PM] -- Laiish [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch Yuna_mf, a ladder level 75 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:49:27 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (74 wins). [4:49:28 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:49:29 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> w00t [4:49:31 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> maverick [4:49:32 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:49:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> limewire owns [4:49:36 PM] ... [4:49:43 PM] shareaza pwnz limewire [4:49:46 PM] and why does it pwn' [4:49:55 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> because i actually got the fucking song [4:50:03 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and its cd quality [4:50:04 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ^_^ [4:50:06 PM] ... [4:50:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and got it in less than 50 seconds [4:50:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> =p [4:50:12 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OWNED [4:50:13 PM] cd quality is about 128k [4:50:17 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> well [4:50:19 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> its good quality [4:50:23 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> and i use cd quality for whatever [4:50:24 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [4:50:29 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [4:50:30 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> ...yup it is cd quality tho [4:50:31 PM] Your an idiot [4:50:32 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> 128k [4:50:33 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> .. [4:50:34 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> your a hoe [4:50:48 PM] im a gardening instriment? [4:50:52 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Yes [4:50:55 PM] ok [4:50:58 PM] im going to d2 [4:51:00 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> NOO [4:51:03 PM] ... [4:51:03 PM] -- Laiish has left the channel. [4:51:05 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> actually [4:51:08 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> thats not a bad idea [4:51:13 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [4:51:14 PM] n00b [4:51:17 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [4:51:46 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (18 wins). [4:51:53 PM] mav [4:51:54 PM] wtf [4:51:56 PM] did u get off [4:52:27 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (AssassinSgT, a ladder level 14 assassin on realm USEast). [4:52:35 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> thug [4:52:39 PM] ? [4:52:43 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i wish my lvl 77 necro could be reactivated [4:52:45 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> it expired :( [4:52:48 PM] rofl [4:52:51 PM] satrt HC [4:52:52 PM] ladder [4:52:54 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i still have the char thing here [4:52:56 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> why? [4:52:57 PM] cuz [4:53:01 PM] im going to [4:53:01 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> i'd die before i get to 25 [4:53:01 PM] soon [4:53:05 PM] its fun [4:53:12 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> gah fine [4:53:15 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [4:53:20 PM] i need someone to RUSh [4:53:46 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Hardcore_LoW, a hardcore ladder level 1 assassin on realm USEast). [4:53:48 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> w00t [4:53:50 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> Hardcore_LoW [4:53:51 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> =p [4:53:54 PM] lol [4:53:58 PM] il start [4:53:59 PM] to [4:54:01 PM] too [4:54:01 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> WHERE ARE GERMANS! [4:54:03 PM] niven [4:54:03 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> !!! [4:54:05 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> lol [4:54:05 PM] u der? [4:54:10 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> niven isnt there [4:54:14 PM] baH [4:54:15 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> he is trying to clean his monitor [4:54:15 PM] Nvm [4:54:22 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> .. [4:54:24 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> wtf you mean [4:54:24 PM] brt [4:54:24 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> nvm [4:54:28 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> get your ass on here now [4:54:30 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> you cock monkey [4:54:30 PM] coming [4:54:32 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [4:56:25 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 1 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:56:29 PM] LEZ Do ThiS1 [4:56:52 PM] u [4:56:53 PM] follow [4:56:53 PM] me [4:57:17 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [4:57:24 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [4:58:09 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 1 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:58:23 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [4:58:35 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Hardcore_LoW, a hardcore ladder level 1 assassin on realm USEast). [4:59:01 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [203ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FootLong-Boner, a hardcore ladder level 18 necromancer on realm USEast). [4:59:02 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [5:00:15 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [5:00:22 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:00:47 PM] -- Laiish [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch Yuna_mf, a ladder level 75 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:00:50 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [5:00:59 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [5:01:18 PM] -- twc-radagast [63ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (WtFfIMdEad, a hardcore ladder level 17 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:01:49 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [5:02:20 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:02:28 PM] -- twc-radagast has left the channel. [5:02:35 PM] -- demonsparda [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (7 wins). [5:02:43 PM] -- demonsparda has left the channel. [5:03:25 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:09:49 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [5:09:57 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [5:10:00 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [5:10:44 PM] -- DaMaGeD(DL) [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (69 wins). [5:10:49 PM] -- DaMaGeD(DL) has left the channel. [5:11:17 PM] -- sunshine [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch HippyLover, a ladder level 90 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:11:19 PM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:11:23 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [5:11:58 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [203ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FootLong-Boner, a hardcore ladder level 19 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:12:28 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:12:49 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:13:18 PM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:13:19 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [5:13:33 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [203ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FootLong-Boner, a hardcore ladder level 19 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:14:02 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:15:46 PM] -- baalzbub [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:16:10 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:16:13 PM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:16:31 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:16:46 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [5:16:53 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [5:17:12 PM] -- RSF_Raider [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:17:14 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [5:17:22 PM] mav.... [5:17:31 PM] ...................... [5:17:43 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:17:50 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [5:19:14 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:19:18 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:19:43 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:20:03 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [203ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (FootLong-Boner, a hardcore ladder level 19 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:20:11 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (171 wins). [5:20:16 PM] Hrm [5:20:23 PM] shutz? [5:20:28 PM] No [5:20:28 PM] Feruk [5:20:36 PM] Though [5:20:40 PM] feruk has Jack zip [5:20:42 PM] for power [5:20:44 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [5:20:47 PM] ? [5:21:01 PM] the deposed benevolent dictator [5:21:06 PM] that he is [5:21:10 PM] no1 has power nemore [5:21:13 PM] i meant [5:21:15 PM] and no1 really likes schutz lol [5:21:16 PM] bot power [5:21:17 PM] .. [5:21:20 PM] haha [5:21:21 PM] schutz hasnt been around [5:21:22 PM] in ages [5:21:31 PM] malice is the last pillar [5:21:35 PM] of HC [5:21:36 PM] Hrm [5:21:37 PM] yes he has [5:21:38 PM] which is [5:21:40 PM] rather scary [5:21:42 PM] hes on wc3 all the time [5:21:48 PM] seeing how [5:21:54 PM] he defies [5:21:57 PM] the HC all the time [5:21:58 PM] i dontl ike malice being leader at all [5:22:03 PM] well [5:22:06 PM] theirs no bot [5:22:09 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 6 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:22:13 PM] THUG [5:22:16 PM] hi [5:22:18 PM] god [5:22:21 PM] why do i feel [5:22:22 PM] gay [5:22:24 PM] CUZ ME HERE [5:22:25 PM] make a game ill kill andyy for u? [5:22:25 PM] oh [5:22:26 PM] yea [5:22:26 PM] !!!!!!!1 [5:22:29 PM] ok [5:22:30 PM] -- Celphism. [93ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [5:22:31 PM] .. [5:22:31 PM] wait for LoW [5:22:35 PM] low is gay [5:22:36 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Hardcore_LoW, a hardcore ladder level 5 assassin on realm USEast). [5:22:38 PM] meh [5:22:39 PM] Kekeke [5:22:40 PM] fuck low [5:22:40 PM] low is not harcore [5:22:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> fuck [5:22:41 PM] HahrhAHR [5:22:41 PM] uhu1//21 [5:22:42 PM] hes a jew [5:22:49 PM] uuh [5:22:52 PM] uhu32//2 [5:22:53 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [5:22:54 PM] .. [5:22:58 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:23:02 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [5:23:20 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:23:34 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [5:24:27 PM] -- Spitfire798 [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [5:24:35 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [5:24:41 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:24:46 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:25:20 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (171 wins). [5:25:29 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [5:25:30 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:25:50 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:27:03 PM] -- PsA-ReAveR357 [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (blessed-heIl, a ladder level 13 paladin on realm USEast). [5:27:05 PM] hey [5:27:37 PM] -- PsA-ReAveR357 has left the channel. [5:32:05 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [5:33:19 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [5:33:26 PM] -- Celphism. [93ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [5:33:33 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [5:33:47 PM] -- Celphism. [93ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [5:33:56 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [5:33:59 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [5:34:05 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [5:34:21 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [5:34:30 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [5:34:32 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (171 wins). [5:34:59 PM] -- EricNiven [46ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch KnightofAmber, a ladder level 75 paladin on realm USEast). [5:35:02 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [5:35:11 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (171 wins). [5:35:11 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [5:36:24 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [5:36:30 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [5:37:35 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:37:39 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:38:55 PM] -- BlinKage [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (43 wins). [5:39:04 PM] -- BlinKage has left the channel. [5:39:28 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:39:32 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:41:22 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:41:59 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:42:04 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:42:12 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:42:20 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:43:41 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:43:45 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:44:10 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:45:54 PM] -- baalzbub [219ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:46:14 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [5:50:10 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [5:50:20 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:52:38 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:53:26 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:54:56 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:56:27 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:56:38 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [5:56:48 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [5:57:09 PM] -- BlinKage [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (43 wins). [5:57:11 PM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [5:57:44 PM] -- Brands_Storming [266ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (58 wins). [5:57:46 PM] -- Brands_Storming has left the channel. [5:59:21 PM] -- BlinKage has left the channel. [6:01:06 PM] -- FoW_Raptor [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [6:01:08 PM] -- FoW_Raptor has left the channel. [6:02:55 PM] -- Gialanella [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:03:36 PM] -- Gialanella has left the channel. [6:03:40 PM] -- Gialanella [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:06:02 PM] -- Gialanella has left the channel. [6:06:17 PM] -- Gialanella [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:06:25 PM] -- Gialanella has left the channel. [6:06:30 PM] -- Gialanella [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:07:25 PM] -- EricNiven [46ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch KnightofAmber, a ladder level 75 paladin on realm USEast). [6:07:36 PM] -- sunshine [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch HippyLover, a ladder level 90 sorceress on realm USEast). [6:07:48 PM] whEre? [6:07:49 PM] O_o [6:08:05 PM] ! [6:08:08 PM] everwhere! [6:08:11 PM] oohh [6:08:29 PM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [6:08:43 PM] -- sunshine [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch HippyLover, a ladder level 90 sorceress on realm USEast). [6:09:01 PM] -- Laiish has left the channel. [6:09:49 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [6:09:54 PM] that would beh eZ! [6:09:57 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [6:09:59 PM] i've done [6:10:01 PM] 3 nm cow runs [6:10:03 PM] and found nothing [6:10:11 PM] more people=more drops [6:10:16 PM] :O [6:10:18 PM] ... [6:10:22 PM] -- Talruk [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (2 wins). [6:10:23 PM] i want teh drops [6:10:30 PM] in mevsmillion cows pzl? [6:10:35 PM] lol [6:10:41 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 8 sorceress on realm USEast). [6:10:46 PM] oMFg [6:10:48 PM] iTs tHug! [6:10:52 PM] yess [6:10:53 PM] god [6:10:56 PM] i feel gay [6:10:57 PM] lvl 8!! [6:10:59 PM] IM HERE!! [6:11:01 PM] oh yea [6:11:04 PM] ;) [6:11:04 PM] >>< [6:11:09 PM] gobs [6:11:11 PM] -- Talruk has left the channel. [6:11:13 PM] my sorc will pwn urs [6:11:18 PM] YEA RIGHT [6:11:20 PM] MAKE A GAME [6:11:22 PM] your sorc is going to die thug [6:11:24 PM] BRING IT [6:11:26 PM] NOOo [6:11:26 PM] before you ever get near lvl 90 [6:11:27 PM] =P [6:11:27 PM] SHE aint [6:11:29 PM] NOOO [6:11:35 PM] my sin died at 78 [6:11:39 PM] cuz its newb [6:11:40 PM] its not happening agian [6:11:44 PM] and thats not naer 90 [6:11:46 PM] it was actual pretty oeange [6:11:46 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [6:11:50 PM] 88 [6:11:51 PM] ownage* [6:11:52 PM] is near 90 [6:11:53 PM] =P [6:11:57 PM] her trap dmg [6:11:59 PM] was [6:12:00 PM] 3.2k [6:12:02 PM] ^^ [6:12:03 PM] getting to 90 takes ALot longer than it does to get to 75 [6:12:09 PM] what a scrubadubdub [6:12:20 PM] well [6:12:22 PM] im lvl 8 [6:12:28 PM] so pwned! [6:12:39 PM] yo [6:12:40 PM] gobs [6:12:42 PM] gobo joo haff 4 socket armor? O_o [6:12:42 PM] whast that orb [6:12:42 PM] ? [6:12:43 PM] u using [6:12:50 PM] eschuta [6:12:53 PM] it is??? [6:12:56 PM] yes [6:12:57 PM] thats how it looks? [6:13:01 PM] yes [6:13:05 PM] u fire sorC? [6:13:06 PM] it looks gay =P [6:13:07 PM] no [6:13:10 PM] lite [6:13:10 PM] ? [6:13:16 PM] no blizz :o [6:13:17 PM] i havnt [6:13:17 PM] then wtf u using eschutas [6:13:19 PM] found occy yet [6:13:20 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [6:13:22 PM] rofl [6:13:29 PM] U HAVE A MISSIOn [6:13:31 PM] FIND ME [6:13:31 PM] fuck u it works [6:13:32 PM] fine [6:13:32 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [6:13:36 PM] FATHOM [6:13:48 PM] i only take 29+++ [6:13:50 PM] kekekek [6:13:52 PM] u dont plya sc laddeR? [6:13:55 PM] no [6:13:57 PM] i used to [6:13:59 PM] last season [6:14:01 PM] >.< [6:14:05 PM] my char turned into normal [6:14:06 PM] then stfu FAgggoGTOToOGgotGOtGOGOt [6:14:08 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [6:14:09 PM] lol [6:14:09 PM] rofl [6:14:16 PM] -- baalzbub [219ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [6:14:17 PM] but [6:14:19 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [6:14:21 PM] try saying that outloud [6:14:24 PM] my eth 5os runemaster [6:14:24 PM] it comes out weird O_o [6:14:33 PM] is teh ownage [6:14:38 PM] 3x 40-15 [6:14:39 PM] zod [6:14:40 PM] Lo [6:14:44 PM] kind of newb. [6:14:46 PM] 468 max dmg [6:14:47 PM] stfu noone cares about sc normal [6:14:48 PM] =P [6:14:52 PM] awww [6:14:54 PM] :( [6:14:58 PM] ne wayz [6:15:02 PM] continuing [6:15:08 PM] i have like [6:15:11 PM] 70% deadly strike [6:15:25 PM] wai [6:15:27 PM] wait [6:15:31 PM] eric do you care? [6:15:33 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [6:15:34 PM] FUCK U [6:15:37 PM] FUCK U [6:15:37 PM] because who is he talking too [6:15:38 PM] nope [6:15:40 PM] not in the slightest [6:15:41 PM] bitches [6:15:48 PM] himself? o_O [6:15:50 PM] bOoBieS [6:15:50 PM] *cries* [6:15:51 PM] oh yea [6:15:55 PM] soooo mean teh thuggy [6:16:03 PM] sniff [6:16:07 PM] ^^ [6:16:13 PM] wow [6:16:15 PM] i feel left out [6:16:17 PM] poor lil lvl 8 [6:16:18 PM] only non sorc here [6:16:20 PM] O_o [6:16:21 PM] ok u know ur bored [6:16:24 PM] ima [6:16:25 PM] go [6:16:26 PM] trist [6:16:27 PM] when u forgot what u were going to do [6:16:32 PM] you were going [6:16:35 PM] to give meh 4 socket armor? [6:16:35 PM] ^^ [6:16:40 PM] then u remember u were about to beat off [6:16:40 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [6:16:53 PM] out of pure boredom [6:16:54 PM] Ha [6:16:56 PM] and assy was gonna gimme some skulders [6:17:19 PM] ^^ [6:17:19 PM] cause he loves meh [6:17:19 PM] :D [6:17:27 PM] assy's like [6:17:31 PM] umm..what skulldures? ^^ [6:17:34 PM] feel free to say yes [6:17:36 PM] guys u want to make fun of some really fat kid on aim? [6:17:38 PM] at any moment ass [6:17:42 PM] haha [6:17:43 PM] no i don't [6:17:45 PM] nah im good [6:17:48 PM] if i wanted to i'd make fun of raven [6:17:50 PM] =P [6:17:51 PM] Lclbb1188 [6:17:53 PM] damnit [6:17:53 PM] lol [6:18:01 PM] Lclbb1188 msg him [6:18:06 PM] that's raven [6:18:07 PM] O_o [6:18:07 PM] hes a fat fucking man tits [6:18:09 PM] lol [6:18:23 PM] i'm going to message him "boobiez" [6:18:25 PM] aahaha [6:18:34 PM] -- Macarthur-WW2R [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (3 wins). [6:18:40 PM] who the hell [6:18:41 PM] is that [6:18:41 PM] lets keep saying the same thing to him [6:18:45 PM] it will confuse him [6:18:54 PM] i dunno but i owned a couple of ww2r in diplos [6:18:55 PM] ............ [6:19:19 PM] -- Gialanella has left the channel. [6:19:33 PM] -- sunshine has left the channel. [6:19:36 PM] -- Macarthur-WW2R has left the channel. [6:19:40 PM] hMm [6:19:49 PM] i need mfing equipment [6:19:53 PM] da [6:19:54 PM] :( [6:20:04 PM] i got an ammy [6:20:06 PM] 26 mf [6:20:12 PM] you need [6:20:14 PM] at least 100 [6:20:18 PM] just been using my plus 2 skills [6:20:19 PM] to pull uniques [6:20:21 PM] ammy [6:20:38 PM] i have so much plus skills equip [6:20:41 PM] its unreal [6:20:42 PM] ha [6:20:45 PM] too bad they aren't charms [6:20:47 PM] those are useful [6:20:51 PM] 3 from my sword [6:20:56 PM] 1 from helm [6:21:04 PM] and 1 from armor [6:21:30 PM] and 2 from ammy [6:21:33 PM] of course [6:21:38 PM] of CourSe [6:21:40 PM] O_o [6:21:41 PM] 7 lvls [6:22:02 PM] sorcs get + to skillz ez [6:22:07 PM] yah [6:22:12 PM] i got hexfire [6:22:16 PM] vipermagi [6:22:21 PM] tarnhelm [6:22:27 PM] which isnt bad mf [6:22:37 PM] 38 mf i think [6:22:46 PM] bad mf is anything under 100 =P [6:22:47 PM] -- Fire[Army] [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins, with a rating of 985 on the ladder). [6:22:53 PM] -- Fire[Army] has left the channel. [6:22:55 PM] yah me <-------- [6:22:59 PM] me too [6:23:04 PM] im only at 48 mf [6:23:10 PM] w/out that ammy [6:23:43 PM] well im gonna try and go find some mf equip from the bitch in act 3 [6:23:49 PM] shes usually loaded [6:23:55 PM] who? [6:24:10 PM] ummm the chick who rents the mercs [6:24:12 PM] in act 3 [6:24:14 PM] oh [6:24:16 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (171 wins). [6:24:17 PM] you gamble? [6:24:18 PM] ashera [6:24:19 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:24:22 PM] sometimes [6:24:32 PM] that was fucking gay [6:24:32 PM] when i have an overabundance [6:24:35 PM] of money [6:24:42 PM] remind me never to choose gb [6:24:42 PM] ........... [6:24:43 PM] you lost all your money [6:24:44 PM] -- sr-reaver357 [16ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Guardian HaRdCoReRoXoR, a hardcore ladder level 82 sorceress on realm USEast). [6:24:44 PM] doing baal [6:24:48 PM] -- sr-reaver357 has left the channel. [6:24:49 PM] yah [6:24:54 PM] thats fine [6:24:54 PM] well gg, I'm out [6:24:55 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [6:25:01 PM] i cleaned out that cow run [6:25:02 PM] frook is like [6:25:07 PM] bACk tOh soCcEr mEh pZl [6:25:15 PM] hah [6:25:17 PM] -- Laiish [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Auronn, a ladder level 15 barbarian on realm USEast). [6:25:31 PM] OmG iTs A bArB [6:25:37 PM] a big one too [6:25:38 PM] its a silvery barb [6:25:39 PM] O_o [6:25:42 PM] yesh [6:25:46 PM] so bright [6:25:49 PM] i bet he goes [6:25:53 PM] clink clink klonk [6:25:55 PM] when he walks [6:25:56 PM] ^^ [6:25:57 PM] yah [6:25:59 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [6:26:04 PM] ping [6:26:08 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:26:09 PM] when he gets hit [6:26:22 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [6:26:23 PM] yep [6:26:39 PM] yet i never here rubaz talk??? [6:26:45 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:26:48 PM] even when being talked about [6:26:49 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [6:26:50 PM] ............. [6:26:59 PM] is that rubaz? [6:27:08 PM] yah [6:27:11 PM] cuz rubaz used to talk [6:27:11 PM] all the time [6:27:17 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:27:25 PM] from what i hear it is look in profile [6:27:25 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [6:27:44 PM] lol [6:27:51 PM] guess that settles that then [6:27:55 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:27:57 PM] yup [6:28:19 PM] -- psychokink has left the channel. [6:28:23 PM] welp of teh get mfing equipment i go [6:28:24 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [6:28:28 PM] k bAI [6:28:38 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [6:28:45 PM] raider you there? [6:28:54 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [6:29:05 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 40 druid on realm USEast). [6:29:06 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [6:29:21 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [6:29:51 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [6:29:56 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [6:30:03 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [6:40:47 PM] -- Exiled-Elendil [250ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [6:40:58 PM] -- Exiled-Elendil has left the channel. [6:45:52 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:46:33 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [6:47:56 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:48:40 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [6:49:04 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [6:49:16 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [6:49:29 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:49:48 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [6:49:58 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:50:05 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [6:51:07 PM] -- HoY.Strife [15ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:51:26 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 43 druid on realm USEast). [6:51:38 PM] you get enough i'll how [6:51:46 PM] how damm [6:51:51 PM] wait [6:51:52 PM] 1 sec [6:51:57 PM] ill be on my name in 5 secs [6:52:05 PM] hes gay [6:52:18 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [6:53:19 PM] ... [6:53:29 PM] ... [6:53:43 PM] dont be stealing my "..." [6:53:44 PM] Raider you wouldnt happen to play RO would you [6:53:49 PM] RO... [6:53:57 PM] uh [6:53:59 PM] DAMNIT I NEED SOMEONE TO XFER FOR ME [6:54:00 PM] what is RO [6:54:05 PM] Ragnarok Online [6:54:08 PM] o hell no [6:54:49 PM] i love that game [6:54:53 PM] but i dont play nemorwe [6:54:56 PM] the shows good [6:55:04 PM] they have theyre own anime series [6:55:08 PM] when [6:55:11 PM] hoy.runeblade comes on [6:55:19 PM] say runeblade is gayYY!! [6:55:20 PM] ok [6:55:21 PM] ... [6:55:32 PM] why not just say [6:55:42 PM] "HoY is gay in general" [6:55:43 PM] ? [6:55:45 PM] ok [6:55:50 PM] hoy is dead [6:55:58 PM] n thobjrihohibjhber [6:55:59 PM] benftiuhntr [6:56:09 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [6:56:12 PM] is that spanish? [6:56:43 PM] -- HoY.Strife [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:56:47 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [6:56:52 PM] hey raider [6:56:56 PM] "drink bleach" [6:56:58 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [6:57:12 PM] Chris [6:57:14 PM] thats me [6:57:20 PM] sniff some chlorine [6:57:23 PM] -- HoY.Strife [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [6:57:25 PM] raider why cant we be friends [6:57:25 PM] in powder form [6:57:27 PM] your on my friends list [6:57:37 PM] it will go [6:57:39 PM] straight [6:57:39 PM] this is a 2 way relationship we both have to make sacrificies [6:57:41 PM] to your brain [6:57:44 PM] and posion it [6:57:48 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [6:57:54 PM] maybe you could watch the kids on tuesdays and thursdays [6:57:55 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [6:58:02 PM] and i could watch them on mondays wednesdays and fridays [6:58:09 PM] and we can do every other weeked [6:58:27 PM] .. [6:58:32 PM] do we have a deal [6:58:38 PM] chris [6:58:41 PM] drink bleach [6:58:47 PM] your body is not able to procreate [6:58:51 PM] never will be [6:59:02 PM] how about i drink some bleach and i sniff some chlorine at the same time [6:59:17 PM] ok [6:59:23 PM] ok where do i buy them [6:59:43 PM] supermarket [6:59:52 PM] k brb [7:00:04 PM] would kwik trip have any [7:00:17 PM] or should i go to wal mart [7:00:23 PM] walmart sells [7:00:30 PM] everything you need [7:00:37 PM] would i be able to get it for under 10 bucks [7:00:37 PM] to stage a complete city takeover [7:00:44 PM] with chemical weapons and firearms [7:01:04 PM] they dont sell enough ammunition [7:01:23 PM] i bought 20 packs of 7.62 ammunition [7:01:28 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:01:32 PM] no one asked any questions [7:01:37 PM] i prefer 5.56 [7:01:37 PM] and its 20 rounds per box [7:01:39 PM] .. [7:01:45 PM] 7.62 fits my rifle [7:02:09 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:02:12 PM] hoy [7:02:14 PM] I AM THE PWN [7:02:14 PM] i drilled some holes into the barrel of my glock [7:02:16 PM] sup hoy [7:02:17 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [7:02:18 PM] long time no see [7:02:19 PM] sup [7:02:20 PM] "hoy is gay in general" [7:02:22 PM] hows a brother doin [7:02:37 PM] hoy is the only brother in this entire channel [7:02:41 PM] lol [7:02:44 PM] blitz [7:02:44 PM] hoy is black? [7:02:44 PM] -- HoY.Strife [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:02:46 PM] no [7:02:47 PM] ahahah [7:02:48 PM] hhahahaaa [7:02:49 PM] yah [7:02:49 PM] hahaha [7:02:49 PM] chris [7:02:50 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:02:50 PM] and hoy [7:02:51 PM] hoys a negro [7:02:51 PM] hoyhoyhyohy [7:02:52 PM] should have [7:02:59 PM] a spam war [7:02:59 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:02:59 PM] hoy [7:02:59 PM] chris wants [7:03:00 PM] hey hoy remember that time i was hoy.chris [7:03:06 PM] a spam war [7:03:13 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:03:17 PM] wow [7:03:18 PM] and everyone was like hey hoy and i was like what and they said i was talkin to hoy [7:03:19 PM] you got owned [7:03:37 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:03:38 PM] hey raider remember that time i was rsf_chris [7:03:39 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:03:43 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:03:45 PM] RSF [7:03:46 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:03:47 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:03:49 PM] isnt a clan [7:03:49 PM] rsf [7:03:52 PM] yes it is [7:03:57 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:03:58 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:04:00 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [7:04:00 PM] ive seen other people with that tag [7:04:02 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [7:04:04 PM] and im like hey do you know raider [7:04:05 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:04:06 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [7:04:06 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:04:06 PM] and there like yah [7:04:06 PM] gr [7:04:06 PM] hah thats a first [7:04:06 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:04:07 PM] and were all like yah raiders a fag [7:04:08 PM] a pub nap wars [7:04:13 PM] chris [7:04:15 PM] everyone [7:04:17 PM] hates you [7:04:20 PM] blitz doesnt [7:04:28 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:04:35 PM] omfg [7:04:35 PM] everytime i come in here your debating someone [7:04:42 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:04:43 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:04:44 PM] ? [7:04:50 PM] dont leave on me [7:05:00 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:05:00 PM] -- Celphism. [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [7:05:02 PM] nm [7:05:05 PM] the faggots gone [7:05:06 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:05:10 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:05:11 PM] -- Celphism. has left the channel. [7:05:12 PM] lets get a HoW [7:05:13 PM] going [7:05:17 PM] ill play how [7:05:19 PM] if you have people [7:05:19 PM] where [7:05:20 PM] did eric go [7:05:21 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [7:05:22 PM] -- HoY.Strife [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:05:24 PM] me2 [7:05:24 PM] newbing it up [7:05:26 PM] probably [7:05:27 PM] stfu strtife [7:05:28 PM] newbert [7:05:29 PM] stfu [7:05:31 PM] ok [7:05:31 PM] jew [7:05:35 PM] jewbert [7:05:39 PM] -=Diplo:HoW=- [7:05:41 PM] you guys know where strife is going to college [7:05:43 PM] ... [7:05:43 PM] university of STFDU [7:05:46 PM] .hahahaaha [7:05:46 PM] .. [7:05:46 PM] ahhahha [7:05:46 PM] no [7:05:51 PM] stfdu [7:05:52 PM] that wasnt veyr funny ken [7:05:57 PM] yah ken that sucked [7:06:00 PM] loll [7:06:01 PM] blitz [7:06:06 PM] 12.26 [7:06:06 PM] see thgey agree u stink [7:06:07 PM] u STINK! [7:06:10 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:06:13 PM] failure [7:06:14 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:06:14 PM] go take a bath ken you stink [7:06:14 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [7:06:32 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [7:07:11 PM] -- Laiish has left the channel. [7:08:23 PM] -- indolence [250ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (261 wins, with a rating of 1021 on the ladder). [7:08:23 PM] you first [7:08:25 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 44 druid on realm USEast). [7:08:30 PM] -- HoY.Strife [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:08:35 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (27 wins, with a rating of 984 on the ladder). [7:08:37 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [7:08:38 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [7:08:39 PM] efron go sniff some chlorine [7:08:40 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:08:42 PM] you first [7:08:43 PM] ok then fuck ho [7:08:45 PM] how [7:08:49 PM] No [7:08:49 PM] i wanna play how [7:08:51 PM] ERic is coming [7:08:54 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [7:08:55 PM] i wanna play your mom [7:08:55 PM] eric smells [7:08:56 PM] in mah pants [7:08:59 PM] nelson go jump in a lake of battery acid [7:09:06 PM] -- HoY.Strife [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:09:07 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [7:09:11 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [7:09:13 PM] efron go jump in a lake of spermicide [7:09:16 PM] l [7:09:18 PM] wow [7:09:19 PM] why? [7:09:26 PM] blitz [7:09:27 PM] so you drown [7:09:28 PM] make [7:09:29 PM] oh [7:09:30 PM] okie [7:09:33 PM] christoph [7:09:35 PM] why [7:09:36 PM] go buy joint operations [7:09:36 PM] make [7:09:37 PM] make now [7:09:40 PM] or strife and i wont play [7:09:41 PM] .... [7:09:41 PM] its the best multiplayer game in the world [7:09:41 PM] i already have it [7:09:43 PM] -- HoY.Strife [16ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:09:45 PM] no you dont [7:09:47 PM] Blitz? [7:09:50 PM] you left in the first place hoy [7:09:50 PM] we got enough [7:09:52 PM] yes i bought it a week and a half ago [7:09:52 PM] -- HoY.Strife has left the channel. [7:09:53 PM] k go buy doom 3 on august 3rd [7:09:53 PM] -- HoY.RuneBlade has left the channel. [7:09:56 PM] you should have stayed and dled [7:09:57 PM] and we will play that [7:10:08 PM] why should i the source engine is better than that doom 3 shit [7:10:14 PM] fuck the hoys ass buddies [7:10:18 PM] half-life 2 is for fanboy faggots [7:10:31 PM] doom 3 has per-pixel hit detection [7:10:35 PM] wel;l [7:10:36 PM] day of defeat on a source engine is like cod with more cd [7:10:36 PM] source engine will still use hit boxes [7:10:39 PM] we got 3 elites [7:10:42 PM] and are bound [7:10:47 PM] to get 3 noobas [7:10:48 PM] raider [7:10:48 PM] im an elite [7:10:50 PM] stfu faggot [7:10:53 PM] .. [7:10:55 PM] dude [7:10:56 PM] raider say im an elite [7:10:57 PM] 1v1 me rsf_raider [7:10:58 PM] chris [7:11:10 PM] say it raider or ill ram my cock down your throat and make you gag [7:11:11 PM] fill in the blank [7:11:14 PM] christoph [7:11:15 PM] drink [7:11:19 PM] your cock wont even get into his throat [7:11:21 PM] mountain dew [7:11:21 PM] ________ [7:11:24 PM] youre too fat [7:11:32 PM] god dammit [7:11:34 PM] this is why [7:11:37 PM] we have a bot [7:11:40 PM] raider [7:11:40 PM] so we can ban [7:11:41 PM] these faggots [7:11:41 PM] we don't have [7:11:43 PM] a bot? [7:11:44 PM] LOL [7:11:48 PM] ROFLLMAO [7:11:51 PM] stfu fag [7:11:51 PM] s [7:11:53 PM] DOUBLE LAUGHING [7:11:54 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:11:54 PM] indolence [7:11:58 PM] raider [7:11:58 PM] your part of the problem [7:12:01 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [7:12:01 PM] you're* [7:12:09 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:12:11 PM] you're* [7:12:11 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [7:12:16 PM] christopher get on brood whore [7:12:16 PM] get on war3 [7:12:18 PM] no [7:12:24 PM] i have same problem as dima [7:12:24 PM] you cant play war3 [7:12:25 PM] just TFT [7:12:37 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [7:12:38 PM] there was a bear on my deck today [7:12:39 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [7:12:41 PM] ^.^ [7:12:43 PM] fine [7:12:45 PM] i will make it [7:12:45 PM] raider [7:12:45 PM] was his name scooby doo [7:12:47 PM] youre a faggot [7:12:49 PM] no christopher [7:12:49 PM] Indolence [7:12:50 PM] SHUT [7:12:52 PM] UP [7:12:53 PM] ignore him [7:12:53 PM] he was nameless [7:12:54 PM] you're* [7:12:54 PM] RAIDER [7:12:55 PM] SHUT [7:12:55 PM] use /squelch [7:12:55 PM] UP [7:12:56 PM] god [7:12:58 PM] yes [7:13:00 PM] use squelch [7:13:01 PM] you little faggot [7:13:03 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [7:13:15 PM] christopher [7:13:17 PM] get on joint operations [7:13:22 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [7:13:25 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:13:29 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:13:32 PM] we can join a 100-man server [7:13:34 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [7:13:34 PM] since 150-man ones lag [7:13:40 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [7:13:42 PM] Diplo HoW [7:13:43 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:13:44 PM] rsf_raider [7:13:45 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [7:13:47 PM] lag [7:13:50 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [7:13:52 PM] k cya later then [7:13:54 PM] -- indolence has left the channel. [7:13:59 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [7:14:02 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:14:03 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:14:18 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [7:14:56 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [7:14:59 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:15:06 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [7:15:11 PM] grr [7:15:13 PM] hmm [7:15:29 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:15:34 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:15:35 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [7:15:39 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [7:15:40 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [7:15:47 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:15:50 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [7:15:54 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (21 wins). [7:18:55 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [7:20:11 PM] -- NewDestroyer [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (44 wins). [7:20:19 PM] -- NewDestroyer has left the channel. [7:22:45 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:23:05 PM] -- baalzbub [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:23:14 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [7:23:48 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 16 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:23:54 PM] -- Elite [188ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:23:54 PM] -- Elite has acquired ops. [7:24:11 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [7:29:09 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (41 wins). [7:29:11 PM] -- Blitzkrieg24 has left the channel. [7:30:24 PM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [7:31:25 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 16 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:31:31 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [7:31:33 PM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [7:32:09 PM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [7:32:25 PM] [7:32:30 PM] [7:32:38 PM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [7:33:20 PM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:33:58 PM] -- VaNcE_OLiVeR [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (16 wins). [7:34:07 PM] -- VaNcE_OLiVeR has left the channel. [7:34:26 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [7:37:03 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [7:38:29 PM] -- EricNiven [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (22 wins). [7:39:06 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, best race Night Elves, peon icon) [7:39:07 PM] -- X.Chris.X@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:39:36 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 17 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:41:31 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:41:41 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [7:42:04 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [7:44:37 PM] -- Peligroso [47ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Calixa, a hardcore ladder level 17 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:45:02 PM] -- Peligroso has left the channel. [7:45:40 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [7:46:19 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [7:46:34 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [7:47:30 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [7:47:52 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [7:47:58 PM] -- KeepRunning@Azeroth [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 23, best race Human, rifleman icon) [7:48:27 PM] -- KeepRunning@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:48:34 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [7:48:38 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [7:49:05 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [7:49:20 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [7:49:29 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [7:50:10 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [7:54:25 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [7:54:30 PM] <1stBlooD> man [7:54:34 PM] <1stBlooD> no buddy is on....... [7:56:46 PM] -- [)ukeRules! [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (225 wins). [7:56:53 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [7:56:58 PM] -- [)ukeRules! has left the channel. [7:57:17 PM] -- [)ukeRules! [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (225 wins). [7:57:27 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [7:57:33 PM] -- [)ukeRules! has left the channel. [7:57:45 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [7:57:49 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [7:58:14 PM] -- 0^^ [157ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft (0 wins). [7:58:16 PM] -- [)ukeRules! [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (225 wins). [7:58:20 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [7:58:33 PM] -- 0^^ has left the channel. [7:58:33 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [7:58:42 PM] -- [)ukeRules! has left the channel. [7:58:48 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [7:59:27 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [7:59:31 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [7:59:50 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [8:00:51 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:01:17 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:01:23 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:02:07 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:02:11 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:02:34 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:02:43 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:03:11 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:03:26 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:03:41 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:04:40 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:04:52 PM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [8:05:07 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [8:05:11 PM] -- VaNcE_OLiVeR [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (16 wins). [8:05:22 PM] 1v1@LT anybody?? [8:06:00 PM] can yall read what Im saying? [8:06:13 PM] Channel cross [8:06:17 PM] -- VaNcE_OLiVeR has left the channel. [8:06:43 PM] -- vandaL_blizz@Azeroth [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 6, best race Orcs, headhunter icon) [8:06:48 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:06:54 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:07:51 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:08:33 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:08:38 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:08:42 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (50 wins, with a rating of 921 on the ladder). [8:09:05 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [8:09:18 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:09:27 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:09:56 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:10:06 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:11:00 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:11:06 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:11:12 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:12:01 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:12:07 PM] -- vandaL_blizz@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:12:12 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:13:06 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:13:24 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:13:28 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:13:35 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:13:40 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:13:49 PM] -- KeepRunning@Azeroth [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 23, best race Night Elves, huntress icon) [8:13:50 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:14:00 PM] -- KeepRunning@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:14:13 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 44 druid on realm USEast). [8:14:30 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:14:30 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:15:37 PM] -- Talruk [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (2 wins). [8:15:43 PM] -- Talruk has left the channel. [8:15:50 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:16:23 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:17:14 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:17:19 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [8:17:31 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:17:40 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:17:46 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:17:56 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:18:08 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:18:28 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:18:54 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:19:18 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:19:27 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [8:20:15 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [8:20:25 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [8:21:11 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:21:18 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [8:21:23 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:22:00 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:22:14 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:22:19 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [8:22:21 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:22:25 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [8:22:34 PM] -- Hullguy [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (610 wins). [8:22:41 PM] -- Hullguy has left the channel. [8:22:43 PM] -- metallica_moper [219ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Gods_PlayToy, a ladder level 88 paladin on realm USEast). [8:22:56 PM] -- metallica_moper has left the channel. [8:23:21 PM] -- ~`WoLF`~ [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft II (0 wins). [8:23:25 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [8:23:26 PM] -- ~`WoLF`~ has left the channel. [8:23:26 PM] -- ~`WoLF`~ [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft II (0 wins). [8:23:28 PM] -- ~`WoLF`~ has left the channel. [8:26:29 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:27:33 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (50 wins, with a rating of 921 on the ladder). [8:27:38 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OP ASIAN [8:27:39 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OP ASIAN [8:27:41 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OP ASIAN [8:27:42 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> OP ASIAN [8:27:44 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [8:28:55 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (50 wins, with a rating of 921 on the ladder). [8:28:57 PM] <~[LoW]~SgT.> roflmao! [8:29:42 PM] -- ~[LoW]~SgT. has left the channel. [8:31:41 PM] -- Spitfire798 [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:31:43 PM] -- Spitfire798 has left the channel. [8:31:45 PM] -- [)ukeRules! [32ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (225 wins). [8:31:45 PM] -- [)ukeRules! has left the channel. [8:31:47 PM] -- angry_larry [109ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II (Sensoor, a level 1 necromancer on realm USEast). [8:33:04 PM] -- angry_larry has left the channel. [8:33:40 PM] -- AzN_GoD_StYlE [79ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (78 wins). [8:36:47 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 46 druid on realm USEast). [8:36:49 PM] -- baalzbub [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion FieryInfernum, a ladder level 72 sorceress on realm USEast). [8:37:09 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [8:37:14 PM] hey [8:37:17 PM] <1stBlooD> what up [8:37:34 PM] nothin [8:37:34 PM] u [8:37:40 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:37:52 PM] go to sleep man [8:38:11 PM] Grab some sleep rube [8:38:13 PM] trying to get my sorc [8:38:17 PM] to much comp is bad for u :P [8:38:18 PM] off the ground [8:38:21 PM] nah [8:38:23 PM] im good [8:38:23 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:38:32 PM] i just couldnt sleep for some reason [8:38:47 PM] give up on ur zon? [8:38:52 PM] nah [8:38:59 PM] jus havent played much with her [8:39:03 PM] busy with skoo [8:39:15 PM] Studying for my last Final tomorrow and then ill be free for the rest of the summer [8:39:20 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:39:25 PM] cool [8:39:37 PM] but im gonna go to vancouver soon i think [8:39:56 PM] what ya doing there? [8:40:11 PM] just visitin around there, you know where Vancouver is? lol [8:40:19 PM] durrr yes [8:40:22 PM] im not stupid [8:40:27 PM] its in tennesee [8:40:28 PM] ^^ [8:40:31 PM] haha [8:40:35 PM] nah [8:40:41 PM] ha thats what i thought [8:40:47 PM] good ole canada [8:40:53 PM] typically, americans are ignorant :P [8:40:58 PM] Hah [8:41:01 PM] not meh [8:41:02 PM] u guys dont learn about canada in skool right [8:41:04 PM] im special [8:41:15 PM] we do to a small extent [8:41:27 PM] we tend to spend time on things that matter? [8:41:31 PM] not really [8:41:32 PM] eat me [8:41:32 PM] -- GeNoCiDe [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [8:41:35 PM] ha [8:41:36 PM] -- GeNoCiDe has left the channel. [8:41:53 PM] Im so scared to go to texas [8:42:00 PM] why? [8:42:13 PM] i saw that texas chain massacre shit [8:42:15 PM] nothing to it [8:42:16 PM] omg [8:42:17 PM] freaky ass ppl [8:42:18 PM] that shit [8:42:27 PM] is not even near real [8:42:32 PM] there was one person [8:42:32 PM] bs [8:42:35 PM] ed killed [8:42:36 PM] i saw the footage [8:42:43 PM] and it was a 80 woman [8:42:53 PM] and he used the chain saw after she was dead [8:43:00 PM] the rest he dug [8:43:01 PM] up [8:43:07 PM] from cemetary [8:43:18 PM] no but at the end of the movie [8:43:20 PM] hes in the pen about 30 min from here [8:43:21 PM] they show some footage [8:43:31 PM] of him attacking the crew that was documenting the basement [8:43:38 PM] omg [8:43:40 PM] lol ok [8:43:43 PM] funny [8:43:53 PM] He would be like 120 years old? [8:44:04 PM] from the movie? [8:44:19 PM] uve see nthe movie rite? [8:44:22 PM] yah [8:44:29 PM] remember at the end [8:44:30 PM] they made it seem sold back in the day [8:44:40 PM] ah well [8:44:44 PM] what was his name again? [8:44:48 PM] but they were going to see a concert to a present day band [8:44:52 PM] ed gein [8:45:02 PM] spelled something like that [8:45:13 PM] so then what city u live in? [8:45:13 PM] may be ghein [8:45:17 PM] groveton [8:45:20 PM] -- psychokink [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:45:24 PM] lil ity bity shithole [8:45:32 PM] dur, near houston? [8:45:37 PM] yes jazon [8:45:49 PM] dont u canadians know geography [8:45:56 PM] what the hell are they teaching you [8:45:56 PM] ? [8:46:10 PM] i know the geography but i dont study TEXAS in great detail [8:46:20 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 47 druid on realm USEast). [8:46:22 PM] ;) [8:46:30 PM] its a desert to me [8:46:37 PM] yes about hour and half from [8:46:39 PM] houston [8:46:49 PM] if im driving [8:46:53 PM] 45 minutes [8:46:56 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [8:46:57 PM] is this grovetown like a big city? [8:47:05 PM] or like those satellite cities? [8:47:08 PM] did u not see what i typed [8:47:16 PM] lil ity bity shithole [8:47:25 PM] couple stores [8:47:27 PM] thats it [8:47:32 PM] thats gay shit man [8:47:39 PM] im trying to get the fuck outa here [8:47:41 PM] and josh lives in the same town? [8:47:43 PM] no [8:47:51 PM] he lives a couple towns over [8:48:01 PM] is he in a "shit hole" as well? [8:48:02 PM] different county [8:48:07 PM] even worse [8:48:09 PM] smaller [8:48:22 PM] what the hell, u guys are like farmers or something [8:48:24 PM] lol [8:48:29 PM] hell no [8:48:35 PM] ranchers [8:48:39 PM] hahahha [8:48:39 PM] we raise cattle [8:48:40 PM] ^^ [8:48:52 PM] i cant belive this [8:48:57 PM] actually josh's dad does raise cattle [8:49:03 PM] we dont [8:49:03 PM] is texas all made up of small towns then? [8:49:13 PM] cept for houston [8:49:15 PM] austin [8:49:19 PM] san antonio [8:49:22 PM] dallas [8:49:33 PM] u guys are hicks [8:49:33 PM] and then there are a couple midsize [8:49:35 PM] towns [8:49:36 PM] no [8:49:49 PM] nothing [8:49:50 PM] you know everyone in ur town then? [8:49:51 PM] like hics [8:49:53 PM] no [8:50:05 PM] u guys have a hospital there? [8:50:07 PM] :P [8:50:09 PM] -- OrangeBunny [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:50:11 PM] no [8:50:13 PM] omg [8:50:18 PM] but we got an arabic doctor [8:50:19 PM] ^^ [8:50:24 PM] anyone know anything about ps2 online? [8:50:26 PM] so u have to drive ur ass to houston? [8:50:33 PM] u need some adapter bunny [8:50:38 PM] i broke my arm [8:50:38 PM] k 1 thing [8:50:47 PM] and had to drive 45 minutes [8:50:48 PM] is it money per game online [8:50:48 PM] of [8:50:49 PM] or [8:51:01 PM] that sucks ruben [8:51:04 PM] or is it money for owning online? [8:51:11 PM] yup [8:51:16 PM] ? [8:51:21 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:51:22 PM] i dont think u have to pay for playin online bunny [8:51:24 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:51:28 PM] .. [8:51:29 PM] you do [8:51:33 PM] Move to a real city ruben [8:51:46 PM] like get out of texas? [8:51:59 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 47 druid on realm USEast). [8:52:03 PM] im working on it [8:52:08 PM] dude [8:52:08 PM] id be so bored if i was just livin in a town [8:52:12 PM] ur better off in canada man [8:52:17 PM] thats why i play [8:52:18 PM] canada is ghey [8:52:19 PM] O_o [8:52:20 PM] :( [8:52:21 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [8:52:21 PM] bnet games [8:52:29 PM] to stay in touch with society [8:52:59 PM] i wouldnt think games would be a luxury in villages :P [8:53:03 PM] lol [8:53:07 PM] haha [8:53:09 PM] yah it is [8:53:20 PM] -- OrangeBunny has left the channel. [8:53:46 PM] well i think im heading to a bigger city tonight [8:53:52 PM] ...... [8:53:53 PM] ^^ [8:53:57 PM] whats ur plan? [8:54:07 PM] going to bigger town w/a friend [8:54:17 PM] i think im gonna get off [8:54:21 PM] if you see josh [8:54:27 PM] tell im out for the night [8:54:33 PM] aight [8:54:35 PM] cya around [8:54:36 PM] later dude [8:54:38 PM] aight [8:54:42 PM] -- AzN_GoD_StYlE has left the channel. [8:54:48 PM] -- baalzbub has left the channel. [8:57:30 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:57:48 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 48 druid on realm USEast). [8:58:00 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [8:58:37 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [8:59:13 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:00:54 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [9:01:53 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:02:02 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:03:49 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:05:40 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:05:57 PM] -- american_inf. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [9:06:04 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 48 druid on realm USEast). [9:06:12 PM] -- american_inf. has left the channel. [9:06:32 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:06:54 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:08:20 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:08:25 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [9:08:30 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:08:44 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:08:59 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:10:21 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:10:28 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:10:43 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [9:11:17 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [9:11:51 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:12:02 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:13:02 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:13:06 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:13:08 PM] -- RSF_Raider [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder). [9:13:12 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [9:13:16 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:14:52 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:15:29 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:15:40 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:16:17 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 49 druid on realm USEast). [9:16:46 PM] -- EricNiven has left the channel. [9:16:54 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:17:53 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:17:57 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:18:47 PM] -- Lowenbrau [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (6 wins). [9:19:03 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:19:16 PM] -- 1stBlooD [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [9:19:22 PM] <1stBlooD> hey lowen [9:19:30 PM] <1stBlooD> or not [9:19:33 PM] -- 1stBlooD has left the channel. [9:20:06 PM] -- Lowenbrau has left the channel. [9:20:18 PM] -- Lowenbrau [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (6 wins). [9:20:58 PM] -- EricNiven [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (BleysofAmber, a hardcore ladder level 50 druid on realm USEast).