[12:45:36 PM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6, by Stealth. [12:45:36 PM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [12:45:49 PM] >> StealthBot News [12:45:49 PM] >> StealthBot v2.6 is now available! [12:45:49 PM] >> Visit http://www.stealthbot.net to download a copy today. [12:45:49 PM] >> [12:45:49 PM] >> Shockware.net Gaming is the #1 source for your Blizzard games! [12:45:49 PM] >> Shockware Gaming is looking for experienced gaming moderators, check us out and apply! [12:45:49 PM] >> Shockware has templates, bot files, and more. We also support all Blizzard games! [12:45:49 PM] >> Check us out at http://www.shockware.net [12:54:43 PM] [BNET] Connecting... [12:54:44 PM] [BNET] Connected! [12:54:45 PM] [BNET] Checking version... [12:54:46 PM] All connections closed. [12:54:46 PM] [BNET] Connecting... [12:54:48 PM] [BNET] Connected! [12:54:48 PM] [BNET] Checking version... [12:54:48 PM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [12:54:48 PM] [BNET] Sending login information... [12:54:49 PM] [BNET] Login successful. [12:54:49 PM] [BNET] Logged on as ImThAmAn. [12:54:49 PM] -- Joined channel: op elite -- [12:54:50 PM] Account Created: 2/23/2003, 02:56:45 (Battle.net time) [12:54:50 PM] Last Logon: 3/26/2005, 18:54:52 (Battle.net time) [12:54:50 PM] Last Logoff: 3/25/2005, 22:51:12 (Battle.net time) [12:54:50 PM] Time Logged: 134 days, 3 hours, 1 minutes and 52 seconds [12:59:05 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [12:59:27 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [1:06:55 PM] -- mYsTiC_oSaMi [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (5 wins). [1:07:26 PM] -- CommanderX [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (129 wins). [1:08:06 PM] -- CommanderX has left the channel. [1:09:32 PM] -- mYsTiC_oSaMi has left the channel. [1:20:43 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [1:20:51 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [1:25:43 PM] -- Inuyasha- [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1 wins). [1:25:47 PM] -- Inuyasha- has left the channel. [1:27:21 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [1:27:53 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [1:28:56 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [1:29:14 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [1:40:53 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [1:41:06 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [63ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 53 sorceress on realm USEast). [1:41:11 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> !play [1:41:11 PM] Play started. [1:41:29 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> .f m hey comm [1:41:35 PM] . [1:41:44 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:41:50 PM] I wondered why Dazed and confused started playing [1:42:04 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> HiYo [1:42:05 PM] mav you play wow? [1:42:09 PM] Yea why slim [1:42:29 PM] what lvl/race/calss [1:42:32 PM] class [1:43:01 PM] I have a bunch of characters my highest is a lvl 32 UD Warlock but I have a bunch of 13-17s [1:43:17 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> brb [1:43:24 PM] do you prefer hoarde or alliance [1:43:25 PM] i heard hoarde is a lot funner [1:44:25 PM] I prefer UD on the horde side [1:44:57 PM] If you go Horde play on Mal`Ganis or Alliance Kel`Thuzad [1:45:06 PM] They are the respective GoonSquad Servers [1:45:12 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> fuck [1:45:12 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> wtf is ever [1:45:17 PM] lol [1:45:29 PM] i thought there is no undead [1:45:29 PM] why [1:45:29 PM] whats that mean [1:45:30 PM] So are you gonna convert to Ladder [1:45:47 PM] im a skilled eq vet, i was told i can get to 60 in 2 weeks if I play for 8 hours a day [1:45:52 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [1:45:52 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i dunno [1:45:53 PM] Yes there is UD but they arent the same UD from War3 [1:45:58 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [1:46:00 PM] They broke away from them [1:46:02 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ever said he'll set me up [1:46:18 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:46:22 PM] are shamans really good [1:46:25 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> WoW [1:46:28 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> wOw [1:46:50 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> !play [1:46:50 PM] Play started. [1:46:51 PM] -- RSF_Raider [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [1:46:52 PM] ... [1:46:54 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> OMG [1:46:54 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> OMG [1:46:56 PM] DUDE [1:46:57 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> RAiDer [1:47:00 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:47:02 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ...? [1:47:07 PM] YOU JUST RESTARTED A FREAKING 25 Minute song [1:47:11 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> HAHA [1:47:12 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> LOL [1:47:14 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> muahahaha [1:47:18 PM] !mp3 [1:47:19 PM] .. [1:47:23 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> sorRyYYY [1:47:26 PM] durr [1:47:34 PM] what the hell are you guys talking about [1:47:39 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> lol [1:47:55 PM] He just restarted my winamp on a song that is 25 minutes long [1:48:05 PM] and I kind of like the part it was getting to [1:48:06 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:48:11 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> so fast forward [1:48:11 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:48:12 PM] heh [1:48:14 PM] So slim when did you get wow? [1:48:17 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:48:18 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> hes gone [1:48:19 PM] ... [1:48:19 PM] DUDE [1:48:23 PM] So slim when did you get wow? [1:48:31 PM] nothing I have 10 friends that play from eq [1:48:33 PM] around that [1:48:36 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:48:40 PM] ... [1:48:41 PM] eww [1:48:42 PM] eq [1:48:44 PM] FAG! [1:48:57 PM] thats a gross understatement [1:49:02 PM] Hmm [1:49:02 PM] quite. [1:49:07 PM] Indeed [1:49:47 PM] So thug what type is your Sorc [1:49:49 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [1:49:53 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> blizz [1:49:58 PM] EQ followers should be strapped to a board and beaten until they are completely EQ-less and promise to never touch a RP again [1:50:00 PM] I think i need to make me one on ladder [1:50:01 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> 2.2k dmg :) [1:50:16 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:50:20 PM] Ehh my hammerdin owns that [1:50:23 PM] without gear [1:50:32 PM] And it isnt resisted [1:50:37 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> so [1:50:42 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> lets play SC [1:50:44 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:50:46 PM] Ehh [1:50:49 PM] fuckin get on [1:50:49 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> we got the most we'll get in like 5 years [1:50:50 PM] like what [1:50:53 PM] and lets play [1:50:56 PM] i'm bored [1:51:00 PM] as am I [1:51:00 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> cmon mavvy [1:51:06 PM] mav [1:51:08 PM] i had two lvl 65 characters in eq [1:51:11 PM] you get on sc right now! [1:51:12 PM] so im a beast at mmorpgs [1:51:13 PM] dude [1:51:16 PM] eq sucks [1:51:25 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> wtf [1:51:26 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> is up [1:51:27 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> wit [1:51:29 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ever.. [1:51:41 PM] .. [1:51:42 PM] ... [1:51:45 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ... [1:51:45 PM] mav [1:51:46 PM] he is probably botting [1:51:47 PM] SC [1:51:49 PM] right now! [1:51:52 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> thats what im thinking [1:52:06 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i need him to rush meee [1:52:07 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:52:12 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> o wait, i did nm yesterday [1:52:15 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i forgot [1:52:15 PM] Hmm should I? [1:52:16 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> >.< [1:52:17 PM] bitches are in need of getting roasted [1:52:27 PM] cheese [1:52:30 PM] wut [1:52:34 PM] didnt you hear my suggestion? [1:52:39 PM] hmm no [1:52:42 PM] what was it [1:53:06 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (77 wins). [1:53:07 PM] Take all Eq fans an strap them to a board and beat them senseless then reindoctrinate them into never touching an Rp again [1:53:13 PM] Pft [1:53:15 PM] eh [1:53:17 PM] too long [1:53:18 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:53:27 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:53:28 PM] just kill them [1:53:34 PM] ... [1:53:41 PM] thug [1:53:41 PM] sc [1:53:42 PM] now [1:53:43 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> hi [1:53:44 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:53:45 PM] cheese [1:53:46 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> okkkkkk [1:53:48 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> brt [1:53:49 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [1:53:50 PM] wut [1:53:51 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:53:52 PM] what map did you have in mind [1:53:55 PM] hmm [1:53:56 PM] dunno [1:53:57 PM] DIE! [1:53:58 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:53:58 PM] lol [1:53:59 PM] no [1:54:00 PM] ACW3? [1:54:05 PM] ? [1:54:28 PM] I dun care what we play im majorly out of practice anyway [1:54:35 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:54:36 PM] eh.. [1:54:39 PM] Damnit i dont like that extra button [1:54:40 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:54:52 PM] wut extra button [1:54:53 PM] heheh [1:54:56 PM] maverick [1:54:59 PM] and cheese [1:55:07 PM] Diplo! [1:55:14 PM] Which one? [1:55:16 PM] or [1:55:18 PM] Diplo!! [1:55:23 PM] -- _(Death)_ [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:55:24 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:55:27 PM] Son of a bitch [1:55:32 PM] Which one? [1:55:32 PM] !!diplo!! [1:55:35 PM] make that [1:55:36 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:55:39 PM] Diplo!!!!!!!! [1:55:40 PM] -- Hotlips_Supreme [16ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Matriarch ArabDanceParty, a ladder level 84 sorceress on realm USEast). [1:55:41 PM] thats 8 [1:55:44 PM] ok [1:55:49 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [1:55:49 PM] make the damn thing already [1:55:54 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [1:55:59 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:56:02 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [1:56:12 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:56:28 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:56:29 PM] yo [1:56:32 PM] bitches [1:56:40 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:56:48 PM] <_(Death)_> who are you [1:56:56 PM] no one [1:57:04 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:57:09 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [1:57:10 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [1:57:21 PM] d2 is way better than gay sc [1:57:37 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [1:58:33 PM] -- Hotlips_Supreme has left the channel. [1:59:02 PM] -- RSF_Raider [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [1:59:04 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:59:04 PM] -- _(Death)_ [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [1:59:05 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (77 wins). [1:59:05 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [1:59:10 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [1:59:11 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [1:59:11 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [1:59:51 PM] -- Joined channel: Op OuTLaWz -- [1:59:58 PM] -- Joined channel: Op Elite -- [2:00:11 PM] !play hot action [2:00:37 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:00:38 PM] -- _(Death)_ [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:00:41 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [2:00:41 PM] <_(Death)_> bitchhh [2:00:48 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [2:01:00 PM] -- _(Death)_ [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:01:05 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [2:01:35 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:01:40 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [2:06:29 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (77 wins). [2:06:30 PM] -- _(Death)_ [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:06:32 PM] <_(Death)_> woot [2:06:34 PM] Just like old times [2:06:35 PM] <_(Death)_> way to go! [2:06:53 PM] Ill make the next game [2:06:58 PM] <_(Death)_> ok [2:06:58 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [281ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:07:01 PM] gay! [2:07:01 PM] ... [2:07:12 PM] !setuser CheezyTheWhiz +bz [2:07:18 PM] Pft [2:07:21 PM] my modem touches little kids [2:07:21 PM] !rape CheezyTheWhiz [2:07:21 PM] [2:07:22 PM] [2:07:23 PM] [2:07:23 PM] i swear [2:07:31 PM] OMG IT STILL WORKS [2:07:37 PM] wut [2:07:41 PM] The rape command [2:07:50 PM] I made it like 6 bot versions ago [2:07:54 PM] -- RSF_Raider [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [2:07:56 PM] !rape Raider [2:07:56 PM] [2:07:57 PM] [2:07:58 PM] [2:08:03 PM] blue screen of death [2:08:07 PM] ... [2:08:09 PM] 0000000008x [2:08:12 PM] I'll make next game. [2:08:12 PM] Fix it [2:08:13 PM] Now [2:08:22 PM] What map? [2:08:25 PM] <_(Death)_> hoW [2:08:28 PM] OOOO PLEASURE KERRY? [2:08:28 PM] <_(Death)_> How [2:08:32 PM] <_(Death)_> HoW [2:08:33 PM] lol [2:08:36 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [2:08:42 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [2:08:44 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [2:08:44 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [2:08:54 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [2:09:21 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:09:25 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:09:28 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [2:09:28 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [281ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:09:29 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [2:09:54 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:09:58 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:10:09 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:10:47 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:10:53 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [2:11:13 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:11:34 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [2:11:34 PM] -- CommanderX [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (129 wins). [2:11:59 PM] -- CommanderX has left the channel. [2:13:42 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:13:57 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:14:37 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [2:16:07 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:16:30 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:17:36 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:21:01 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:21:36 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:21:45 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:21:55 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [2:22:20 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [2:33:35 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [2:34:11 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [3:03:41 PM] -- SovieT_NapkiN [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (5 wins). [3:03:45 PM] -- SovieT_NapkiN has left the channel. [3:08:15 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:13:54 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:14:35 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:17:08 PM] -- CommanderX [62ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (129 wins). [3:17:09 PM] -- CommanderX has left the channel. [3:17:56 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:20:45 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:20:48 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:22:15 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:22:21 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:25:15 PM] -- O.E. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [3:25:29 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [3:26:44 PM] -- O.E. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [3:28:01 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [3:29:21 PM] -- O.E. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [3:29:35 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [3:30:07 PM] -- O.E. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [3:30:32 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [3:31:19 PM] -- O.E. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [3:31:24 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [3:39:23 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (77 wins). [3:39:36 PM] -- RSF_Raider [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [3:39:42 PM] feruk is banned [3:39:43 PM] from how [3:39:48 PM] he can play 7.7 [3:39:49 PM] forever [3:39:50 PM] Whoever that purple was he is permanatly banned from this channel [3:39:54 PM] feruk [3:39:55 PM] He would not attackl [3:39:59 PM] is permanent banned [3:40:06 PM] massing tanks [3:40:07 PM] ih how [3:40:14 PM] is the most faggish thing [3:40:24 PM] however [3:40:27 PM] thug really did it [3:40:33 PM] and hes lucky [3:40:35 PM] Thug was being gay [3:40:36 PM] feruk cheated [3:40:56 PM] I have to go i got shit to do [3:41:06 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [3:42:50 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [3:42:56 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [3:43:02 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [3:43:07 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:43:23 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [3:43:58 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:44:55 PM] -- s1im_shady [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:45:26 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:47:29 PM] -- s1im_shady [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [3:47:55 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [3:47:59 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [3:48:20 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [3:49:02 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [3:49:04 PM] then um.... [3:49:06 PM] Yet you win [3:49:07 PM] why didnt you make goliaths? [3:49:09 PM] every fucking battle [3:49:14 PM] Because I thought [3:49:14 PM] no specials n that map [3:49:18 PM] tanks would be better than gols [3:49:21 PM] erm [3:49:23 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [3:49:25 PM] we fought for like 20 min.... [3:49:27 PM] tanks would be better against gols [3:49:39 PM] after first battles, I would've caught on [3:49:47 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [3:49:54 PM] Tanks served me well before [3:49:59 PM] no one has ever massed goliaths [3:50:05 PM] to such a faggish extent [3:50:13 PM] and tried to battle my tanks [3:50:29 PM] haha [3:50:36 PM] something new you learn then :) [3:50:40 PM] not really [3:50:44 PM] you wont be joining us again [3:50:48 PM] so its not a problem [3:51:06 PM] haha, newbish talk [3:51:18 PM] just admit it, you got whooped [3:51:18 PM] maverick agrees [3:51:23 PM] with what? [3:51:29 PM] nothing I did unfairly, you just got OWNED [3:51:35 PM] so accept it [3:51:35 PM] i got owned by mass goliaths [3:51:40 PM] and ghosts [3:51:42 PM] but yah for sure [3:51:49 PM] you had more goliaths than ghosts [3:51:50 PM] if you cant beat it... too bad :) [3:52:07 PM] like i said [3:52:12 PM] you wont be joining us ever again [3:52:14 PM] so it matters not [3:52:30 PM] thats super newbish thing to say "you won, so I wont let you compete so I can win" [3:52:37 PM] -- _(Death)_ [141ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [3:52:39 PM] <_(Death)_> gg [3:52:43 PM] gg [3:52:47 PM] apparently I am banned from their games ;) [3:52:51 PM] <_(Death)_> wtf [3:52:51 PM] indeed [3:52:52 PM] <_(Death)_> why [3:52:52 PM] but thug isnt [3:52:53 PM] <_(Death)_> riader [3:52:55 PM] <_(Death)_> ... [3:53:02 PM] <_(Death)_> why u gonna ban him// [3:53:05 PM] "you won, so I wont let you compete, so I can win" [3:53:07 PM] <_(Death)_> !play [3:53:09 PM] .. [3:53:12 PM] mass gols [3:53:16 PM] <_(Death)_> golsd are good.. [3:53:17 PM] <_(Death)_> u ahd tnaks tho [3:53:21 PM] i know [3:53:22 PM] yet gols still won [3:53:25 PM] <_(Death)_> u cant ban him for his strategy tho.. [3:53:29 PM] sure i can [3:53:43 PM] o well [3:53:44 PM] <_(Death)_> mav logged off? [3:53:47 PM] twas [3:53:51 PM] unfair teams also [3:53:55 PM] yea he logged off [3:53:58 PM] <_(Death)_> u guys could of owned us so bad [3:54:02 PM] no [3:54:05 PM] you dont get it [3:54:06 PM] <_(Death)_> i was holding u 3 just barely [3:54:07 PM] maverick and me [3:54:09 PM] vs you [3:54:13 PM] and england [3:54:14 PM] and turkey [3:54:18 PM] <_(Death)_> but u ahd france [3:54:20 PM] france did NTOHING [3:54:23 PM] AND YOU KNOW IT [3:54:25 PM] FUCKING JACKL [3:54:27 PM] <_(Death)_> i kno [3:54:28 PM] so [3:54:29 PM] <_(Death)_> actually [3:54:30 PM] <_(Death)_> he kinda did [3:54:32 PM] no [3:54:34 PM] <_(Death)_> he took my italy finally [3:54:34 PM] he kinda [3:54:35 PM] didnt [3:54:49 PM] maverick should of taken france [3:54:50 PM] <_(Death)_> n he kept attacking me [3:54:54 PM] <_(Death)_> so i couldnt attack u guys [3:54:55 PM] .. [3:54:55 PM] O boo hoo [3:54:57 PM] you massed 160 men [3:55:00 PM] to own me [3:55:04 PM] <_(Death)_> when? [3:55:06 PM] <_(Death)_> by end? [3:55:07 PM] and feruk and his rigged gols [3:55:09 PM] yes [3:55:10 PM] i gave up [3:55:17 PM] <_(Death)_> i sent raiding parties [3:55:20 PM] dude you're just coming off as a sore loser.... it's like Slim who bans people from channel for beating them in a game [3:55:33 PM] Tanks [3:55:37 PM] losing to gols. [3:55:40 PM] ISNT RIGHT [3:55:48 PM] enough talk, you got your ASS kicked within the confines of the map [3:55:52 PM] no cheating of any kind [3:55:52 PM] 100% legit [3:55:52 PM] GRR [3:55:52 PM] dont like it? change the map [3:55:52 PM] <_(Death)_> gusy [3:55:53 PM] THEN WHY THE FUCK [3:55:57 PM] CAN TANKS [3:55:57 PM] <_(Death)_> calm down [3:55:58 PM] WITH SUPERIOR UNPGRADES [3:56:01 PM] LOSE TO FUCKING GOLS [3:56:05 PM] ask the maker, not my problem [3:56:08 PM] <_(Death)_> he had 2 gols for every 1 tank [3:56:12 PM] exactly [3:56:12 PM] No [3:56:17 PM] in the even battles [3:56:19 PM] I lost tanks [3:56:21 PM] I alwayts had more gols then you had tanks [3:56:28 PM] <_(Death)_> he did riader..gols are cheaper [3:56:31 PM] <_(Death)_> and they own [3:56:33 PM] .. [3:56:35 PM] too much [3:56:35 PM] <_(Death)_> i had gols [3:56:37 PM] <_(Death)_> until [3:56:39 PM] <_(Death)_> u tooke my [3:56:43 PM] <_(Death)_> refinery [3:56:45 PM] <_(Death)_> =( [3:56:45 PM] whatever [3:56:54 PM] <_(Death)_> anyways, it was a gg [3:56:56 PM] How is the only game [3:57:00 PM] where i get to mass [3:57:00 PM] Wow I come back and your still arguing [3:57:03 PM] something besides [3:57:05 PM] Tanks [3:57:06 PM] <_(Death)_> i dont know how i survived [3:57:09 PM] Big deal we lost [3:57:09 PM] and feruk fucks it up [3:57:12 PM] Mav [3:57:17 PM] Shaddup [3:57:23 PM] <_(Death)_> austria!!!! [3:57:27 PM] Im not going to just say [3:57:27 PM] GG [3:57:29 PM] If we had a decent france we would have won be he was afucking newb and a half [3:57:30 PM] and forget about it [3:57:37 PM] <_(Death)_> O.o [3:57:43 PM] thug you got smoked anyways [3:57:48 PM] <_(Death)_> i kno [3:57:49 PM] <_(Death)_> lol [3:57:52 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [3:57:54 PM] your 190 army [3:57:55 PM] <_(Death)_> then i held at danube [3:57:57 PM] frooky [3:57:58 PM] when you declared war [3:58:01 PM] .. [3:58:05 PM] bah [3:58:10 PM] <_(Death)_> but mav had his army in upper austria [3:58:17 PM] mav [3:58:18 PM] Cause comm attacked me there [3:58:19 PM] ran out of money [3:58:21 PM] <_(Death)_> and didnt really declareeeee [3:58:25 PM] and basiclly [3:58:27 PM] feruk didnt [3:58:28 PM] ever [3:58:30 PM] so? [3:58:32 PM] .. [3:58:38 PM] we had no treaty [3:58:40 PM] I had no reason to [3:58:41 PM] Listen its no big deal [3:58:47 PM] <_(Death)_> lets just tlak about it [3:58:47 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [3:58:49 PM] <_(Death)_> not argue [3:58:56 PM] if we had a NAP, I'd declare, otherwise, it's a luxury you didnt get [3:58:57 PM] <_(Death)_> my danube defense owns =D [3:58:59 PM] .. [3:59:03 PM] not really [3:59:08 PM] feruk and his gols [3:59:12 PM] always occupied [3:59:16 PM] 3/4 of my army [3:59:17 PM] Well if the freaking noob france would have held you i could have helped raider win in russia [3:59:25 PM] <_(Death)_> if france wouldnt have attack [3:59:27 PM] i couldnt win russia [3:59:29 PM] <_(Death)_> i could of owned russia [3:59:33 PM] feruk and his gols [3:59:34 PM] <_(Death)_> or germany [3:59:35 PM] were too strong [3:59:39 PM] and i guess i was a fool [3:59:40 PM] Mav, at the end there France was sending me money! :) [3:59:42 PM] not to mass gols like him [3:59:47 PM] .. [3:59:47 PM] no he wasnt [3:59:48 PM] <_(Death)_> haha [3:59:50 PM] <_(Death)_> he was.. [3:59:50 PM] sure was [3:59:55 PM] He gave money to noone [4:00:03 PM] last army I made before you left [4:00:04 PM] wait [4:00:05 PM] wtf [4:00:06 PM] was finanaced by France [4:00:10 PM] omg [4:00:13 PM] nowonder [4:00:13 PM] welp [4:00:15 PM] doesnt matter [4:00:15 PM] :) [4:00:17 PM] feruk isnt playing [4:00:19 PM] with us again [4:00:20 PM] well for most of the game, it was all my $ [4:00:21 PM] <_(Death)_> oh cmon [4:00:23 PM] he can do his 7.7 [4:00:23 PM] <_(Death)_> raider [4:00:24 PM] but last tur [4:00:26 PM] <_(Death)_> dont be like that [4:00:31 PM] i will be like that [4:00:34 PM] <_(Death)_> Whyyyyy [4:00:35 PM] Thug i got a d2 mod im about to start playing you wanna get in on it? [4:00:37 PM] I HATE [4:00:38 PM] GOLS [4:00:39 PM] NOW [4:00:43 PM] <_(Death)_> mod? [4:00:47 PM] Mod. [4:00:50 PM] <_(Death)_> wtf [4:00:50 PM] <_(Death)_> is [4:00:51 PM] <_(Death)_> mod [4:00:53 PM] sorry to tell you raider, but I really dont care :) [4:00:54 PM] Modification [4:00:56 PM] <_(Death)_> oh [4:00:57 PM] <_(Death)_> lol [4:00:59 PM] .. [4:01:00 PM] <_(Death)_> hold up [4:01:07 PM] <_(Death)_> i thought u ment [4:01:08 PM] <_(Death)_> mood [4:01:08 PM] <_(Death)_> lol [4:01:10 PM] I've played one game with you in like 3 months [4:01:10 PM] 'Mod"? [4:01:13 PM] We will be playing it on a private d2 server [4:01:14 PM] Yes [4:01:14 PM] so doesnt much matter to me [4:01:17 PM] and you made me [4:01:19 PM] hate you [4:01:23 PM] haha [4:01:26 PM] <_(Death)_> just us 2? [4:01:27 PM] so obviously [4:01:29 PM] No. [4:01:29 PM] you did something [4:01:34 PM] A few people [4:01:34 PM] thug didnt make me [4:01:37 PM] HATE [4:01:38 PM] him [4:01:39 PM] sure did, I wiped my ass with your army :) [4:01:41 PM] Nor comm [4:01:49 PM] <_(Death)_> u tlak to ever lately? [4:01:50 PM] just feruk [4:01:51 PM] <_(Death)_> mav? [4:01:53 PM] and his gols [4:01:55 PM] I swear to god thug go get a fucking messager now [4:01:57 PM] that he will never use. [4:02:01 PM] not today [4:02:03 PM] your army was like ass candy to me [4:02:06 PM] yes [4:02:08 PM] <_(Death)_> i need tot alk to ever [4:02:10 PM] so you wont [4:02:10 PM] Why are you so scared of them [4:02:12 PM] use it again [4:02:13 PM] <_(Death)_> im not [4:02:17 PM] THEN GET ONE [4:02:19 PM] <_(Death)_> O.o [4:02:20 PM] <_(Death)_> lol [4:02:21 PM] ok im out, gg guys [4:02:23 PM] <_(Death)_> bye [4:02:24 PM] <_(Death)_> gg [4:02:24 PM] gg frook [4:02:28 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [4:02:43 PM] hes not joining future How Games [4:02:45 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [4:02:58 PM] <_(Death)_> errr [4:03:02 PM] Let him join we just wont let him get that far [4:03:09 PM] no [4:03:17 PM] <_(Death)_> it was a cool game [4:03:17 PM] <_(Death)_> tho [4:03:19 PM] . [4:03:21 PM] <_(Death)_> i cant believe i held [4:03:24 PM] you made it [4:03:25 PM] a 3v2 [4:03:27 PM] .. [4:03:30 PM] <_(Death)_> but [4:03:32 PM] <_(Death)_> turkey [4:03:33 PM] <_(Death)_> died [4:03:33 PM] <_(Death)_> in [4:03:34 PM] <_(Death)_> first [4:03:35 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:03:36 PM] <_(Death)_> wave [4:03:39 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [4:03:44 PM] even though he started it [4:03:44 PM] The only reason he stayed alive was people supplied him even our "ally" did\ [4:03:46 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:03:51 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [4:03:57 PM] <_(Death)_> only reason i wared [4:03:58 PM] Applz [4:03:58 PM] <_(Death)_> was [4:04:00 PM] <_(Death)_> because [4:04:02 PM] that and the rigged gols [4:04:02 PM] <_(Death)_> i was scared [4:04:03 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:04:07 PM] <_(Death)_> if middle east fell [4:04:11 PM] thug [4:04:14 PM] you really dont get it [4:04:16 PM] <_(Death)_> in future wars, russia would own my ass [4:04:17 PM] we didnt want to kill you [4:04:19 PM] yes [4:04:21 PM] <_(Death)_> but sitl [4:04:23 PM] but i HAD [4:04:23 PM] <_(Death)_> so we just leave [4:04:25 PM] NO PLANS [4:04:26 PM] <_(Death)_> after that? [4:04:30 PM] TO EVER ATTACK YOU [4:04:31 PM] EVER [4:04:32 PM] We didnt care about you [4:04:32 PM] <_(Death)_> that wouldnt be fun [4:04:35 PM] .. [4:04:35 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [4:04:35 PM] well [4:04:39 PM] thats your problem [4:04:39 PM] APPLZ [4:04:41 PM] but now i muyst [4:04:42 PM] <_(Death)_> well [4:04:42 PM] remember [4:04:44 PM] <_(Death)_> raider [4:04:44 PM] Does delraith ever get on [4:04:48 PM] <_(Death)_> i barely attacked u [4:04:48 PM] your bastardish deed [4:04:50 PM] and attack you [4:04:53 PM] next game [4:04:59 PM] <_(Death)_> raider [4:04:59 PM] so yea [4:05:00 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:05:01 PM] <_(Death)_> remember [4:05:03 PM] ... [4:05:06 PM] <_(Death)_> i baely attakced you [4:05:08 PM] I hate being ignored [4:05:10 PM] i know [4:05:12 PM] <_(Death)_> so i didnt affect ur fight much [4:05:15 PM] because i was atatcking you [4:05:18 PM] well [4:05:20 PM] <_(Death)_> well [4:05:20 PM] my fight [4:05:24 PM] was with rigged gols [4:05:26 PM] so i wont comment [4:05:28 PM] <_(Death)_> i was fighing germany [4:05:33 PM] <_(Death)_> u didnt have to interfere [4:05:42 PM] <_(Death)_> he was owning me [4:05:42 PM] without germany [4:05:45 PM] it was a 2v1 [4:05:48 PM] and in fact [4:05:49 PM] i was dying [4:05:51 PM] to feruk [4:05:53 PM] <_(Death)_> france would of joined on hsi side anyways [4:05:58 PM] <_(Death)_> and i would of died [4:05:58 PM] France [4:06:00 PM] was not [4:06:04 PM] a factor of the game [4:06:07 PM] period [4:06:34 PM] <_(Death)_> k [4:06:42 PM] .. [4:06:48 PM] <_(Death)_> im not asyaing anymore [4:06:48 PM] that made me so mad [4:06:51 PM] now i must [4:06:55 PM] kill someone in a game [4:06:59 PM] brb [4:07:09 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:07:17 PM] Thug will you please go get a messager [4:07:23 PM] I dont care what it is [4:07:23 PM] -- RSF_Raider [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:07:27 PM] <_(Death)_> err [4:07:31 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:07:47 PM] <_(Death)_> we d2? [4:07:56 PM] I guess [4:07:59 PM] <_(Death)_> brb [4:08:00 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [4:08:01 PM] what you doing now baaling? [4:08:01 PM] No one hears you. [4:09:04 PM] -- O.E. [46ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [4:09:05 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [4:09:43 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [4:09:55 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 15 necromancer on realm USEast). [4:09:59 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [4:10:29 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 53 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:10:35 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [93ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [4:10:44 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [4:10:56 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [4:14:02 PM] -- RSF_Raider [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:15:00 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:19:07 PM] -- s1im_shady [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:19:15 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [4:19:31 PM] -- s1im_shady [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:19:36 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [4:19:51 PM] -- s1im_shady [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:19:56 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [4:20:20 PM] -- s1im_shady [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:20:21 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:20:27 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [4:24:45 PM] -- RSF_Raider [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:25:29 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:32:13 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:32:32 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:34:40 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:35:01 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth has left the channel. [4:48:10 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 15 necromancer on realm USEast). [4:48:24 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 53 sorceress on realm USEast). [4:48:34 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i think its his bot [4:48:38 PM] lol [4:48:56 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> dang [4:49:04 PM] wanna tomb [4:49:07 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=- afk> [4:49:10 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> no right now [4:49:10 PM] lol [4:49:18 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ill be abcka fter [4:51:08 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [4:51:26 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:51:32 PM] [4:54:20 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:56:09 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [93ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [4:56:27 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [4:56:32 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:56:53 PM] -- s1im_shady [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (9 wins). [4:56:54 PM] -- s1im_shady has left the channel. [4:56:54 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:57:00 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:58:56 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [4:59:05 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [4:59:35 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [93ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [4:59:46 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [4:59:51 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:02:33 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 16 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:02:59 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:03:21 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [5:04:27 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [5:04:42 PM] -- O.E. [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (17 wins). [5:04:45 PM] -- O.E. has left the channel. [5:06:05 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 16 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:09:14 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [5:09:20 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:09:35 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:11:31 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [235ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 16 necromancer on realm USEast). [5:12:07 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [63ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Golesh, a ladder level 32 barbarian on realm USEast). [5:12:19 PM] Pft [5:12:24 PM] Tomb me [5:12:25 PM] -- Darkfire1.2 [78ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Rassi, a ladder level 76 paladin on realm USEast). [5:12:42 PM] tomb me [5:13:04 PM] !! [5:13:19 PM] Im debating how much I care. [5:13:21 PM] o-o [5:13:24 PM] . [5:13:26 PM] I just got on [5:13:29 PM] to mule [5:13:30 PM] then bot again [5:13:37 PM] so ah.. this is a major change of plans [5:13:47 PM] fine im leaving [5:13:50 PM] =( [5:13:52 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [5:13:58 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [5:14:04 PM] -- Darkfire1.2 has left the channel. [5:14:43 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [5:14:50 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:17:19 PM] -- dooby22 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (52 wins). [5:19:31 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> !play [5:19:41 PM] Play started. [5:19:41 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> mav [5:19:44 PM] . [5:19:51 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> mav [5:19:52 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> where did ever go [5:20:05 PM] Away because noone is tombing and ever is an ass [5:20:20 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> where did he go [5:20:22 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> what happaneD? [5:20:58 PM] -- RSF_Raider [218ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [5:21:00 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [5:21:07 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [5:21:16 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 53 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:21:18 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> argh [5:21:23 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> dman connection [5:21:39 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> how long ago was ever online [5:22:04 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [5:22:05 PM] Hes not coming back he is botting [5:24:24 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:24:32 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth has left the channel. [5:24:45 PM] -- dooby22 has left the channel. [5:25:03 PM] -- dooby22 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (52 wins). [5:26:13 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz [140ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [5:26:39 PM] Cheesy [5:26:47 PM] did you ever fidn another armor [5:26:50 PM] yo [5:26:57 PM] i havent realy played [5:27:01 PM] .. [5:27:03 PM] . [5:27:10 PM] -- dooby22 has left the channel. [5:27:12 PM] ive used my necro some [5:27:21 PM] -- CheezyTheWhiz has left the channel. [5:31:30 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 53 sorceress on realm USEast). [5:32:19 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [5:32:21 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [78ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Golesh, a ladder level 32 barbarian on realm USEast). [5:32:35 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [5:35:15 PM] -- hellfire!!!529 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (1542 wins, with a rating of 1064 on the ladder) [5:35:23 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [78ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Golesh, a ladder level 32 barbarian on realm USEast). [5:35:24 PM] -- hellfire!!!529 has left the channel. [5:36:03 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [5:39:50 PM] -- dooby22 [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (52 wins). [5:41:28 PM] -- 1st_blood@Azeroth [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, peon icon) [5:41:33 PM] <1st_blood@Azeroth> g [5:41:34 PM] <1st_blood@Azeroth> g [5:42:09 PM] -- 1st_blood@Azeroth has left the channel. [5:42:46 PM] -- dooby22 has left the channel. [5:45:21 PM] -- 1st_blood@Azeroth [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, peon icon) [5:46:21 PM] -- 1st_blood@Azeroth has left the channel. [6:00:51 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 58 sorceress on realm USEast). [6:07:21 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:07:24 PM] -- Schutzstaffel@Azeroth has left the channel. [6:13:36 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [78ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Golesh, a ladder level 32 barbarian on realm USEast). [6:15:49 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [6:23:13 PM] -- Admiral_Boom [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (4 wins). [6:23:23 PM] -- Admiral_Boom has left the channel. [6:31:40 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [6:37:30 PM] -- SovieT_NapkiN [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (5 wins). [6:37:31 PM] -- SovieT_NapkiN has left the channel. [7:01:59 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 58 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:02:18 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> !play [7:02:18 PM] Play started. [7:02:19 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> brb [7:02:28 PM] Fool [7:03:39 PM] AFK Ill be back in a min [7:03:42 PM] maby 10 [7:04:59 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:05:07 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:05:29 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:05:45 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:06:10 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:06:24 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:06:41 PM] Back [7:06:55 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ok [7:06:55 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> lol [7:06:59 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> im back [7:07:00 PM] Big fire outside [7:07:06 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> wtF? [7:07:17 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> whats going on [7:07:19 PM] Bunch of firetrucks went by and there is a big fire going on [7:07:34 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> is it night over there [7:07:47 PM] Yea [7:07:53 PM] gets dark about 6-630 [7:07:54 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> man...wtf is ever [7:07:56 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ic [7:08:01 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> where u live [7:08:03 PM] TN [7:08:09 PM] Where you live? [7:08:13 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> wtf [7:08:14 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> is [7:08:14 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> that [7:08:22 PM] Where you live? [7:08:28 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> tornot [7:08:28 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:08:28 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> toronto [7:08:32 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> whats TN [7:08:32 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:08:41 PM] Oh your canadian no wonder you dont know what that is [7:08:44 PM] Its a state [7:08:46 PM] Tenneessee [7:08:50 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> yea [7:08:53 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> oh [7:08:55 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i dont know abbrev. [7:09:04 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> lol [7:09:10 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> u live in tenneessee [7:09:16 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> isnt it boring there [7:09:18 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> O.o [7:09:22 PM] No? [7:09:29 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> lol [7:09:31 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> what city [7:09:34 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> memphis? [7:09:38 PM] Near Nashville [7:09:41 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> oh [7:09:41 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ic [7:09:51 PM] And no its not as much country as you think' [7:09:52 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> k well [7:09:52 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> get [7:09:53 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> on [7:09:54 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> d2? [7:09:59 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> oh ic [7:10:11 PM] hold on let this pr0n get dont ripping [7:10:18 PM] ^_^ [7:10:20 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> k [7:10:22 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> msg me [7:10:27 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ima be baalin [7:10:31 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> 4 more lvlv til shako! [7:10:31 PM] k [7:10:36 PM] Wait [7:10:42 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ? [7:10:42 PM] When i get on your gonna tomb my necro [7:10:45 PM] ! [7:10:50 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> arghhhhh [7:10:53 PM] !!! [7:10:53 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> let me lvl to shako first [7:11:07 PM] You should be by the time i get done with this thread its 27 pages [7:11:09 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [7:11:12 PM] No one hears you. [7:11:35 PM] You should be by the time i get done with this thread its 27 pages [7:16:05 PM] if u c ever, tell him to msg me [7:24:30 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:24:59 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [7:25:35 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:25:41 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [7:26:36 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:29:40 PM] -- NoBrainAzN [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:29:53 PM] -- NoBrainAzN has left the channel. [7:30:04 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [7:31:19 PM] Agkor, are you black? [7:31:41 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [7:34:15 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [7:34:49 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [7:40:54 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch DizzyDoom, a level 81 paladin on realm USEast). [7:41:17 PM] -- DurF. [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [7:41:27 PM] :( [7:41:29 PM] poor elite [7:41:31 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [7:41:36 PM] Hmm [7:41:38 PM] Who are you [7:41:41 PM] orange [7:41:45 PM] Ah [7:41:48 PM] sup? [7:41:57 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch DizzyDoom, a level 81 paladin on realm USEast). [7:41:59 PM] Nothing much [7:42:16 PM] i hope elite never dies, this place is sweet shit [7:42:18 PM] Some people are still here buteh [7:42:32 PM] yeah... [7:42:34 PM] Frook started comeing in a lot [7:42:40 PM] Raider visits [7:42:41 PM] sweet [7:42:41 PM] ever is back [7:42:47 PM] yeah i just played w/ raider [7:42:58 PM] so basically the old ppl that were here from start are comin back? [7:42:59 PM] Me n thug are about to try n lvl me [7:43:08 PM] Kind of I hope they do [7:43:13 PM] We need to get the bot back up [7:43:18 PM] yeah.. [7:43:24 PM] elite is fucking sweet guy [7:43:31 PM] i grew up here playing diplo rune [7:43:31 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [7:43:31 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 16 necromancer on realm USEast). [7:43:34 PM] lol [7:43:34 PM] that shit fucking owned [7:43:38 PM] we played a rune earlyer [7:43:43 PM] fuck [7:43:45 PM] i need that map [7:43:45 PM] Me frook thug riader [7:43:47 PM] so bad [7:43:48 PM] lol [7:43:52 PM] I could let you dl it [7:43:55 PM] ooo [7:43:57 PM] yes plz! [7:44:01 PM] be warned im on 56k [7:44:02 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:44:03 PM] so? [7:44:07 PM] lol ok [7:44:07 PM] be warned i have all night. [7:44:14 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:44:19 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:44:45 PM] wallace [7:44:58 PM] oh sweet [7:45:00 PM] i know him [7:45:13 PM] -- Maverick-1069 [219ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (77 wins). [7:45:14 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 62 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:45:16 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> o [7:45:17 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> m [7:45:17 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> g [7:45:22 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> so many sc ppl [7:45:24 PM] brb thug [7:45:29 PM] imma give him rune [7:45:32 PM] ^.^ [7:45:38 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> DurF? [7:45:38 PM] now i gotta find it [7:45:40 PM] diplo rune 2.4? [7:45:41 PM] its orange [7:45:42 PM] i want it too [7:45:42 PM] yeah, im orange [7:45:49 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> orange mage? [7:45:50 PM] yep [7:45:51 PM] lol [7:45:53 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> coolio [7:45:59 PM] yeah my sc was fucked until today [7:46:02 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i finally can wear the shako!! [7:46:06 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> u shud of been on earlier [7:46:09 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> we had a fun HoW [7:46:11 PM] nice [7:46:12 PM] mav1//21 when i get there [7:46:12 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:46:14 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> didnt we mav? [7:46:14 PM] k [7:46:15 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> damn [7:46:16 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:46:17 PM] yep [7:46:28 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> u seenever? [7:46:33 PM] -- Maverick-1069 has left the channel. [7:46:35 PM] wallace u need rune? [7:46:43 PM] -- DurF. has left the channel. [7:46:44 PM] ya i want it [7:46:52 PM] mav1//21 [7:46:59 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> k [7:47:05 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:48:05 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [7:48:38 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [7:50:52 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:50:53 PM] -- DurF. [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [7:51:05 PM] i wish this game got popular [7:51:08 PM] it was so fun [7:51:17 PM] and gold is annoying [7:51:22 PM] its flaws were magnified [7:51:27 PM] yeah [7:51:29 PM] Thanks for the wisper [7:51:32 PM] and feruk made gold 5.02b [7:51:41 PM] then everyone moved to that [7:51:42 PM] someone should make a new kind of diplo [7:51:48 PM] eh [7:51:51 PM] i like 7.7 [7:51:56 PM] i don't. [7:52:01 PM] i don't like gold [7:52:03 PM] 7.7 and Lotr LA is the only maps i play anymore [7:52:39 PM] fucking gay wc3 [7:52:47 PM] the fucker wants me to go and play with him [7:52:51 PM] lol [7:53:15 PM] god [7:53:23 PM] sc is so cool [7:53:34 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:53:38 PM] WOAH [7:53:39 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:53:42 PM] my old friends list [7:53:42 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:53:46 PM] this is shit [7:53:50 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:53:53 PM] hoy.runeblade. [7:54:01 PM] wow [7:54:02 PM] thats bad [7:54:08 PM] brb [7:54:10 PM] -- DurF. has left the channel. [7:54:21 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:54:24 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:54:26 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:54:41 PM] -- OzGlory [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:54:44 PM] -- OzGlory has left the channel. [7:54:53 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Heldane, a ladder level 90 paladin on realm USEast). [7:54:55 PM] -- DurF. [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [7:55:03 PM] ok [7:55:05 PM] who the hell is durf??? [7:55:08 PM] -- OzGlory [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:55:09 PM] -- OzGlory has left the channel. [7:55:25 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:55:28 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:55:32 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:55:33 PM] umm [7:55:36 PM] im orangemage [7:55:39 PM] I see [7:55:41 PM] who are you? [7:55:45 PM] Eversore. [7:55:47 PM] oo [7:55:48 PM] cool [7:55:52 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 63 sorceress on realm USEast). [7:55:52 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [7:55:53 PM] pfft [7:55:56 PM] only me and feruk [7:55:58 PM] 'use durf [7:56:00 PM] lol [7:56:01 PM] now its catching on [7:56:04 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [7:56:05 PM] and some jagoff stole my game on d2 [7:56:10 PM] -- BG.Malice@Azeroth [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:56:11 PM] so now I have to make durf1 [7:56:12 PM] to mule in [7:56:12 PM] -_- [7:56:14 PM] :( [7:56:43 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:56:43 PM] durf is stolen [7:56:43 PM] You arent helping [7:56:43 PM] its gay [7:56:43 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:56:43 PM] Wow. [7:56:43 PM] lol [7:56:44 PM] malice [7:56:44 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:56:44 PM] Fonts. [7:56:44 PM] malice hates me. [7:56:44 PM] or hated me [7:56:44 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> haha [7:56:44 PM] AKA? [7:56:44 PM] orange [7:56:44 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:56:44 PM] Hi Thug. [7:56:44 PM] Malice hated a lot of people [7:56:44 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> hey [7:56:46 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> whast up malice [7:56:47 PM] hence the malice.. [7:56:49 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 16 necromancer on realm USEast). [7:56:49 PM] Oh, maybe if you weren't a shady cunt. =\ [7:56:53 PM] :D [7:56:53 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [7:56:56 PM] i hafta admit [7:56:59 PM] i was a little son of a bitch [7:57:01 PM] Darkfire = ?> [7:57:03 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> ever, find me an occy [7:57:04 PM] ever [7:57:08 PM] in due time =/ [7:57:09 PM] Oh, right. [7:57:15 PM] -- DeyCalMeWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:57:16 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i use a +1 blizzard jerd stone! [7:57:16 PM] I cant force myself to find stuff [7:57:17 PM] -- DeyCalMeWallace has left the channel. [7:57:17 PM] Ok thug lets go [7:57:18 PM] TWA [7:57:21 PM] -- DeyCalMeWallace [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:57:23 PM] -- DeyCalMeWallace has left the channel. [7:57:26 PM] malice u in a clan? [7:57:29 PM] Uhm. [7:57:32 PM] Nah. [7:57:35 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> make [7:57:36 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:57:37 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> game [7:57:38 PM] I just dota a lot. [7:57:46 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:57:46 PM] ^.^ [7:57:46 PM] dota is ok [7:57:46 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:57:54 PM] Can't find decent melee partners that can teach me anything. [7:57:54 PM] So I'm stagnant. [7:57:57 PM] =( [7:57:59 PM] i feel like a total fag for this but i like dbz tribute [7:58:03 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [7:58:04 PM] no good groups you can go play w/? [7:58:09 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [7:58:09 PM] *shrug* The title isn't important. [7:58:13 PM] yeah i know [7:58:14 PM] Unless you play it for the title. [7:58:18 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:58:29 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [7:58:34 PM] meh [7:58:42 PM] i like 1vs1 ppl [7:58:46 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [7:58:48 PM] Ever just d2? [7:58:55 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [7:59:00 PM] Gorn. [7:59:05 PM] im gettin my d2 back 2morrow [7:59:14 PM] d2 is too redundant. [7:59:16 PM] agkor is gorn? [7:59:18 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [7:59:20 PM] Should be. [7:59:22 PM] Hi TWA [7:59:26 PM] woah [7:59:28 PM] Still got the snpl tag. =P [7:59:33 PM] so many people i usta know [7:59:35 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [7:59:40 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [7:59:40 PM] i got the gay tag on west [7:59:44 PM] so fucking prou [7:59:46 PM] proud* [7:59:55 PM] ... [7:59:56 PM] lol [7:59:57 PM] TWA you read that? [8:00:06 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:00:08 PM] :( [8:00:14 PM] Joined a game. [8:00:30 PM] well nice to see you again and stuff [8:01:09 PM] -- DurF. has left the channel. [8:01:11 PM] Uh huh. [8:01:27 PM] -- BG.Malice@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:02:02 PM] -- BG.Malice@Azeroth [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:02:06 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:02:20 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 63 sorceress on realm USEast). [8:02:21 PM] -- BG.Malice@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:02:24 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [8:02:28 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> feruk [8:02:31 PM] yop [8:02:32 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> how long u staying onl [8:02:34 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> on* [8:02:37 PM] 2 minutes [8:02:38 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> i mite sc soon [8:02:39 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> argh [8:02:41 PM] :) [8:02:44 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> dam you [8:02:48 PM] buddies coming over in less then 30 [8:02:55 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> oh [8:02:56 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> aite. [8:03:13 PM] fuck i hate random people f adding me [8:03:18 PM] -- KnightofGambIer [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:03:20 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> whoa dded you [8:03:22 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> KoG [8:03:24 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> WooT [8:03:24 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 17 necromancer on realm USEast). [8:03:30 PM] someoen named axis-tskurk [8:03:32 PM] remaking [8:03:33 PM] fuck it they all left next time type /f l [8:03:34 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> lol [8:03:36 PM] im done kog [8:03:41 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> man [8:03:41 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [8:03:42 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> too long [8:03:46 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> bye frooks [8:03:50 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [8:03:53 PM] Np, what'd ya think of that new version? Rad is an ass stealing it but I think it's good :) [8:04:02 PM] -- BG.Malice@Azeroth [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:04:04 PM] -- BG.Malice@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:04:08 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:04:10 PM] it ain tbad, but he should give credit [8:04:13 PM] where it's deserved [8:04:14 PM] yeessss [8:04:19 PM] are u guys gonna rm [8:04:24 PM] I don't know if he even plays anymore [8:04:32 PM] I am [8:04:36 PM] -- KnightofGambIer has left the channel. [8:04:42 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [8:04:47 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [8:05:03 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:05:27 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:05:27 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [8:05:29 PM] -- KnightofGambIer [31ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:05:31 PM] -- KnightofGambIer has left the channel. [8:05:35 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [8:06:07 PM] -- Agkor [47ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:06:33 PM] -- Agkor has left the channel. [8:07:49 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan sNpL) [8:08:11 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [8:08:29 PM] -- TheWhiteApple@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:09:52 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [8:12:42 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [8:23:59 PM] -- Feruk [78ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (200 wins). [8:24:04 PM] -- RSF_Raider [234ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (81 wins, with a rating of 1048 on the ladder) [8:24:06 PM] truely [8:24:11 PM] a piece of shit [8:24:13 PM] to be remembered [8:24:13 PM] haha yep [8:24:19 PM] I bet after that long dl [8:24:22 PM] everyone was excited [8:24:22 PM] im going [8:24:28 PM] to show schutzthat again [8:24:31 PM] and hes going to freak [8:24:31 PM] haha [8:24:38 PM] IOMFG [8:24:40 PM] ITS THIS!? [8:24:41 PM] haha [8:24:42 PM] WOOT [8:24:48 PM] o well [8:24:51 PM] off to making [8:24:53 PM] ok im off to drink, later [8:24:53 PM] my map [8:24:55 PM] k [8:24:57 PM] -- Feruk has left the channel. [8:25:00 PM] -- RSF_Raider has left the channel. [8:25:37 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Heldane, a ladder level 90 paladin on realm USEast). [8:26:14 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [8:31:31 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [250ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 20 necromancer on realm USEast). [8:31:37 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 63 sorceress on realm USEast). [8:31:42 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> rarÉ [8:31:45 PM] lol [8:31:49 PM] now anvients [8:31:49 PM] <-=(Thug4Life)=-> rare [8:31:53 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [8:31:59 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [8:33:01 PM] That user is not logged on. [8:33:27 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Heldane, a ladder level 90 paladin on realm USEast). [8:33:45 PM] OMG [8:33:47 PM] RD [8:34:39 PM] o_o [8:34:40 PM] yeah [8:34:41 PM] same.. [8:34:45 PM] teh fuck? [8:34:46 PM] im gonna get it if I try to join a game [8:34:53 PM] y [8:34:53 PM] donno [8:34:54 PM] -- _(Death)_ [125ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:34:56 PM] <_(Death)_> argh [8:34:57 PM] Grr [8:35:03 PM] Its your fault thug [8:35:04 PM] <_(Death)_> realm dwon [8:35:05 PM] pretty light load today too [8:35:09 PM] <_(Death)_> what? [8:35:11 PM] <_(Death)_> what happaneD? [8:35:12 PM] the # of ppl [8:35:13 PM] on useast [8:35:14 PM] is low [8:35:15 PM] <_(Death)_> oh [8:35:15 PM] I donno [8:35:29 PM] <_(Death)_> man [8:35:32 PM] <_(Death)_> u got p topaz's? [8:35:46 PM] mm [8:35:47 PM] Well [8:35:52 PM] Im gonna see if changing IP's helps [8:35:54 PM] maybe.. [8:35:58 PM] <_(Death)_> k [8:36:15 PM] <_(Death)_> mav [8:36:21 PM] <_(Death)_> did u get realm down? [8:36:35 PM] yes [8:36:42 PM] <_(Death)_> did u drop anything? [8:36:43 PM] -- ImCalledWallace [94ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (0 wins). [8:36:43 PM] -- ImCalledWallace has left the channel. [8:36:45 PM] no [8:36:46 PM] my bot got it but not me o_o [8:36:49 PM] the hell? [8:36:51 PM] lolz [8:36:52 PM] <_(Death)_> lol [8:37:08 PM] <_(Death)_> did u drop the nagel? [8:37:17 PM] no [8:37:19 PM] <_(Death)_> k [8:37:21 PM] <_(Death)_> good [8:37:22 PM] y would i [8:37:28 PM] <_(Death)_> jsut asking [8:37:47 PM] Hmm [8:37:50 PM] !play [8:37:50 PM] <_(Death)_> argh [8:37:52 PM] !!!! [8:38:01 PM] Do it for me so i dont have to reach for my mouse [8:38:05 PM] <_(Death)_> !play [8:38:08 PM] lol [8:38:10 PM] one sec [8:38:38 PM] play it imma go get a drink [8:38:38 PM] <_(Death)_> ever get me coh =D [8:38:42 PM] <_(Death)_> !play [8:38:42 PM] Play started. [8:38:52 PM] ever get me a boner nec wep [8:39:00 PM] they are easy to come by [8:39:07 PM] <_(Death)_> so id coh =D [8:39:22 PM] oh and which would be better to nigma wyrm or fuck what wsa the other armor i had [8:39:23 PM] thug [8:39:32 PM] <_(Death)_> duskk [8:39:34 PM] yea [8:39:37 PM] Which one? [8:39:40 PM] <_(Death)_> whats def and str re [8:39:41 PM] higher defenc eone [8:39:45 PM] str req [8:39:49 PM] I thikn they are about the same [8:39:53 PM] is 7 different [8:39:56 PM] wyrm is more [8:39:57 PM] ill compare when non rd [8:40:00 PM] but 7 = irrelevent [8:40:04 PM] <_(Death)_> ehh [8:40:10 PM] <_(Death)_> yea do it with higher defense [8:40:36 PM] <_(Death)_> ever i do 2.8k blizz dmg [8:40:37 PM] <_(Death)_> =D [8:40:58 PM] <_(Death)_> almost at the 6k mark! [8:41:32 PM] <_(Death)_ afk> [8:41:38 PM] NO [8:41:39 PM] THUG [8:41:41 PM] <_(Death)_> ? [8:41:44 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 20 necromancer on realm USEast). [8:41:47 PM] NO LONGER RD [8:41:53 PM] <_(Death)_> argh [8:41:54 PM] <_(Death)_> k [8:41:56 PM] -- _(Death)_ has left the channel. [8:41:58 PM] yep [8:42:00 PM] that was RANDOM [8:42:07 PM] their server prolly just randomly crashed [8:42:08 PM] like a whore. [8:42:21 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [8:42:44 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [8:43:08 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- [31ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Champion GetchuTwiztid, a ladder level 63 sorceress on realm USEast). [8:43:54 PM] -- -=(Thug4Life)=- has left the channel. [8:44:48 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Maveth, a ladder level 88 paladin on realm USEast). [8:44:51 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [8:45:03 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Heldane, a ladder level 90 paladin on realm USEast). [8:46:07 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 has left the channel. [8:46:18 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Maveth, a ladder level 88 paladin on realm USEast). [8:46:30 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [8:46:30 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 [234ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (InchLong-Boner, a ladder level 20 necromancer on realm USEast). [8:46:36 PM] -- MavehTeh1337 has left the channel. [8:46:55 PM] -- DurF. [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [8:46:55 PM] -- DurF. has left the channel. [8:46:55 PM] -- Darkfire1.1 [62ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (Patriarch Heldane, a ladder level 90 paladin on realm USEast). [8:47:15 PM] -- DurF. [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins). [8:47:33 PM] -- DurF. has left the channel. [8:47:33 PM] -- DurF. [63ms] has joined the channel using Starcraft Brood War (10 wins).